Trolleys to Hampton Beach Mass. Northeastern St Ry Vol.3 Amesbury Division by C

  • $65.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Trolleys to Hampton Beach Mass. Northeastern St Ry Vol.3 Amesbury Division by C
Trolleys to Hampton Beach Mass. Northeastern St. Ry. Vol.3 Amesbury Division by O.R. Cummings
Soft cover     stapled
Copyright 1966
54 pages
Chapter 1Promotion 1897-19011
Chapter 2Construction Days 9
Chapter 3The New Hampshire Traction Company The New Hampshire Electric Railways 19
Chapter 4 Operations 1902-191929
Chapter 5The Last Years 1921-193043
Chapter 6 The Portsmouth-Exeter Line49
Chapter 7Proposed Lines54
This third volume in the historical series on the Massachusetts Northeastern Street Railway covers the system's Amesbury Division, which came into being in the spring. of 1902 as the Eastern Division of the New Hampshire Traction Company and later became the Eastern New Hampshire Division of the Traction Company's successor, the New Hampshire Electric Railways. Originally including the lines of the Haverhill & Plaistow, the Haverhill, Plaistow & Newton, the Amesbury Sc Hampton, the Seabrook & Hampton Beach, the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury and the Portsmouth & Exeter Street Railways, it initially had about 571/2 route miles and nearly 60 miles of track and might have been even more extensive had several proposed routes been constructed.
Routes of the Eastern Division from 1902 through 1906 included those from Haverhill to Hampton Beach via Plaistow, Newton, Amesbury, Salisbury Plains, Smithtown, South Seabrook and Seabrook Beach; from Exeter to Hampton Village and Hampton Beach; from Exeter through Stratham and Greenland to Portsmouth; from Smithtown through Seabrook and Hampton Falls to Hampton Village, and along Hampton Beach to the North Hampton boundary to connect with the Portsmouth Electric Railway's line to Rye Beach, Rye and Portsmouth.
The Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury, which went into receivership in 1906, became an independent road in 1907, and the Portsmouth & Exeter was abandoned in 1912, so that by 1913, when the Massachusetts Northeastern system, as such, came into being, its Amesbury Division consisted of only one long line - from Haverhill to Hampton Beach - which crossed the Bay State-New Hampshire boundary no less than three times in its 25.6 mile course from the Merrimack Valley city to the Seacoast.
Regrettably, the Amesbury Division remained intact only six years after 1913, the 3.38 miles between Smithtown and Salisbury Junction at Seabrook Beach being abandoned in 1919. Additional abandonments occurred in 1923 and 1928 and by 1930, when the Northeastern motorized its remaining rail lines, all that was left of the Amesbury Division were the 5.65 miles of track between Haverhill and Plaistow.
This history is divided into seven chapters, the first offering a brief description of the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway system as it was created between 1897 and 1900 and outlining the promotional activities which resulted in the construction of the other lines included in the Traction Company's Eastern Division. The second chapter covers the construction period in 1901 and 1902, while the third describes the financial and corporate events which occurred between late 1901 and the date of the Northeastern consolidation in 1913. The fourth chapter deals with the operations of the Eastern and Eastern New Hampshire Divisions (with the exception of the Portsmouth-Exeter line) and the Amesbury Division from 1902 through 1920, while the
fifth chapter is concerned with the last days of the Amesbury Division from 1921 until the 1930 motorization. The sixth chapter is devoted exclusively to the Portsmouth Sc Exeter Street Railway while the seventh and last covers several proposed but-never-built roads.

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