Steam World #24 1983 March Dean Single Fireless Experiment NCB Panniers
Steam World The leading railway monthly for followers of steam
Steam World 1983 March 62 Pages
5 News
14 The NCB PanniersDerek J. Lowe
I8 The Fireless ExperimentTrevor Page
22 Trains, the onlyTom Heavyside
thing missing
25 Rosterevents diary
27 Sentimental journey-part twoTony Brown
34 No. 3041-the Great PretenderDavid Wilcock
38 Galleryphoto feature
42 just the way it wasAdrian Vaughan
44 British Steam Photographercompetition
of the Year
46 Worldwide ReportDavid Thornhill
50 The Glorious YearsRoger Siviter ARPS
56 Letters
61Classified advertisements
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