Steam Power of the New York Central System 1915 - 1955 Volume 1 w/ dust jacket
Steam Power of the New York Central System 1915 to 1955 Volume 1 by Alvin Staufer
Copyright 1961
223 pages
Hard Cover With Dust Jacket (small tear upper left, and other areas
This volume is basically a collection of the finest photographs available that do justly represent the steam motive power of the New York Central and its affiliate lines.
One book could not do justice to the immense number and variety of steam engines used on the Central since its founding over 130 years ago. Volume I covers the years 1915-1955. This was the golden age of steam when the rails were ruled by magnificent Hudsons, Mohawks and Niagaras.
This is not a history or technical manual, nor did the author use up valuable space with endless prose.
The abundant professional photographs are supplemented by such interesting features as the 1940 roster, full color paintings, plan section and reproductions of the famous old Central calendars.
The author considers himself the most avid New York Central fan in the country.
His production and marketing of locomotive prints and paintings has established the author's reputation for excellence.
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