Southern Pacific Bulletin 1940 September Vol24 #9 S.P. Plays A Big Role

  • $18.50

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Southern Pacific Bulletin 1940 September Vol24 #9 S.P. Plays A Big Role
Southern Pacific Bulletin 1940 September Vol24 #9 S.P. Plays A Big Role
Published monthly by Southern Pacific Company, Bureau of News. On the cover, Return Trip of National Guard and Army troops, involving the same demand upon railroad facilities as did the northbound journey, was completed just as this issue of the Bulletin went to press. It is with some pride that we report that all return schedules were as strictly adhered to as were those of the initial movement. The battles of the 'Blues" and the "Reds" are over and the boys are safely home.
S.P. Plays A Big Role in Army Maneuvers    3
SP Takes Students & Teachers Out On The Job to Study Railroading    6
Watsonville Neighbors Meet    8
New Equipment to Improve SP Service     9
Interurbans Service to Be Abandoned   10
New Safety Bureau Aims to Cut Number of Employe Injuries      11
Railroaders Join in Tribute to Gaylord     12

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