Santa Fe Railway News Vol 5 #12 1991 September The Challenge of Waste Transporta

  • $10.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Santa Fe Railway News Vol 5 #12 1991 September The Challenge of Waste Transporta
Santa Fe Railway News Vol 5 #12 1991 September The Challenge of Waste Transportation
Santa Fe Railway News is published monthly. About the cover: Ingnacio Granado, trackman, tacked down rail tie plates earlier this summer on a section of the crossing being rebuilt on S.E. 10th street in Topeka. (Photo courtesy Topeka Capital Journal / John Bock)
Waste transportation: Jim Keuck, director-waste products, discusses Santa Fe strategies for participating
in this high growth market3
The Barstow yard: A tribute to this first-rate facility, a vital link on the
Santa Fe for nearly a century6
Bumper crop: Total team effort results in a 30,000 ton cotton
Scholarships: The annual Santa Fe Pacific Foundation scholarship
News briefs: 23 new locomotives; first coal trains to WEPCO; Santa Fe art exhibit; derailment prevention;
and the Golden Freight Car10
McMillan's trivia 1 1
Employee awards: Amarillo, Argentine LMIT, marketing & sales, and southern region employees

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