Santa Fe Railroad Steam Locomotives and Trains Photographed in CA NM KS 1935-56

  • $100.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Santa Fe Railroad Steam Locomotives and Trains Photographed in CA NM KS 1935-56
Santa Fe Railroad Steam Locomotives and Trains Photographed in California, New Mexico, Kansas 1935-1956, The from the collection of Robert K Durham
Soft Cover
68 pages
Copyright 1997
Famous Name Trains10 - 15
Switch Engines16 - 19
Light Passenger Engines20 - 27
Heavy Passenger Engines28 - 41
Light Freight Engines42 - 47
Freight Engines48 - 54
Heavy Freight Engines55 - 62
Freight Trains63 - 68
More commonly called the Santa Fe, this road was the best route to the west from Chicago. It was in competition with other roads, but was the most luxurious way to go. This was accomplished with its famous name trains, like the California Limited; the Chief; the Super Chief; El Capitan, and the Grand Canyon, to name the most prominent.
The California Limited became the flagship of the Santa Fe in 1892. It was the first train to have dining car service; this was done by Fred Harvey, who contracted with the road to supply the food and personnel from his Harvey House restaurants. The menus and wine lists were of the finest, and the trains that had these amenities became a tradition.
The California Limited was hauled by the `ten wheeler', 4-6-0 type locomotive; sometimes double-headed for long consists of Pullmans, diner, mail-baggage, and observation lounge.
Eleven different carriers made up the Santa Fe system at this time. The California Limited entered Los Angeles by way of the Southern California Railway Company. Later the road used larger pacific type 4-6-2's and Hudson type 4-6-4's on the daily run between Chicago and Los Angeles.
The `Chief was inaugurated as an all Pullman, extra fare limited between Chicago and Los Angeles in November, 1926. The motive power was two pacifics doubleheading in order to climb the steep grade of Cajon pass out of San Bernardino. Sometimes the helper engine on the front was an ancient 4-4-2 Atlantic type. This certainly was a strange sight, with this little engine trying to pull the heavy Northern 4-8-4 and its long train.
The train that was named The De Luxe was placed in service on December 11, 1911, for the winter run. It was to run once a week, with three Pullmans with room for sixty passengers, who paid a surcharge of twenty five dollars. The dining car had the first air-cooling equipment on a train. The first engines used on this train were the ten wheeler,4-6-0 type.
All of these trains had the famed cuisine of Fred Harvey. The special menus were served in the dining cars by his Harvey Girls, who were meticulously dressed in starched black uniforms, and wearing long white aprons. His reputation depended on the courteous manners and good service that these girls gave to the patrons. He saw to it that the high standards he imposed were carried out by everyone - from chef to steward to Harvey girl - at all times. This of course enhanced the popularity of the Santa Fe name trains.

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