Railway World Bound Vol. XVI January - December 1955
The Railway World Bound Vol. XVI Jan-Dec 1955
Accident Reports, Thoughts on Railway 229
Acton Works, London Transport 77
Around the Branch Lines :-
Cardenden, 260
Cullingworth, 63
Damems, 162
Dovey Junction, 132
Gullane, 208
Halwill, 18
Haverthwaite, 87
Haworth, 162
Ingrow, 162
Kelso, 63
Leegate, 111
Leven, 260
Machynlleth, 132
Maryport, 111
Oakworth, 162
Oxenhope, 162
Poynton, 236
Rathen, 87
Rushton. 236
Severn Valley, 185
Shenstone, 47
Speyside, 208
Tenbury Wells, 184
Tetbury, 47
Asia, New Railways in Central 238
A Signalling Obsession 264
A Surrey Railway Scheme of 1801 237
" Atlantics," Last of the L.B.S.C.R. 216
Beattie 2-4-0 Tanks, Wenford Bridge Mineral Line and the 13
Belfast & County Down, Exit Steam on the 59
Belgium, Railway Electrification in 174, 222
Bells, Some Railway 232
Birmingham (Snow Hill) Centenary 16
Boiler, Franco-Crosti on B.R. 155, 207
Brickbats and Bouquets 217
Brickbats, Some Further Thoughts on 261
Bridge Collapse on the G.N.R. (I) 90
By-ways in Dorset, Railway 10
Caledonian Railway from Hamilton, With the 45, 53
Carlisle 32
Centenary, G.W.R. Birmingham (Snow Hill) and
Wolverhampton (Low Level) 16
Central Asia, New Railways in 238
Charing Cross Station Roof Collapse, 1905 275
City, Midland to the 210
Closing of Park Drain Station 120
Coach Modification on London Transport 190
Coach on L.M.R., U.S.-Built 186
Colour-Light Signalling on the Southern Region 144 Communication System, Trial of the Stroudley and
Rusbridge 168
" Cornish Riviera " Trails, The 145
Crosti Boiler on B.R. Locomotives 155, 207
Cumberland Diesel Railcar Scheme, The West 101
Dean Goods Class, 1883-1955 181
Developments and Trials (Locomotive) 97
Devon Railway, The South 187
Diesel Electric " Deltic " on B.R 263
Diesel Railcar Scheme, The West Cumberland 101
Diesel for Watford Line, Four-Wheel 186, 235
Dorset, Railways By-ways in 10
Drivers, Four Famous Scottish 276
Eastern Europe, Rail Traffic between U.S.S.R. and 136
Eastern Region, Modernisation in the 81
Electric Communication System, Stroudley and
Rusbridge 168
Electrification in Belgium, Railway 174, 222
Elephant, Lewisham via the 280
Exit Steam on the Belfast & County Down 59
Farewell to Steam (Pennsylvanian 4-4-4-4) 25
First Two Years (Modernisation Plan) 12
Fish Traffic in Scotland's North East E
Franco-Crosti Class " 9 " Locomotives 155, 2(
Four Famous Scottish Drivers ..... ....._ 21
Future Role of Steam
Glimpses of the Narrow Gauge :-
Cavan & Roscommon Light Railway, 257
Snowdon Mountain Railway, 21
Good Old Days, The 15
G.N.R. Bridge Collapse
Great Northern to York, 1955 13
G.W.R. Centenary, Birmingham (Snow Hill) and
Wolverhampton (Low Level) 1
Guildford 1844-1885, Railways to
Hamilton, With the Caledonian Railway from 45, 5
Harwich-Zeebrugge Train Ferries 15
High Carr Point Signal 2
Holden's Mixed Traffics, James 13
Holidays in North Wales 24
Holme, Incident at 20
Idle Memories of 50 years 16
Incident at Holme 20
Last Webb 2-4 2 Tanks 1
Letters to the Editor
22, 30, 40, 65, 80, 89, 105, 112, 133, 159, 161
185, 209, 230, 258, 274, 286
Lewisham via the Elephant 28
Lightweight Cars for Toronto Underground 1
Lineaments, Locomotive 11
Locomotive Causerie :-
Developments and Trials, 97
Future Role of Steam, 73
Holidays in North Wales, 241
Nineteen Seventy, 49
Recent L.M.R. Performance, 26
Runs to Remember, 193
The " Cornish Reviera " Trials, 145
The " Mid-Day Scot ", 169
The Study of Locomotive Running, 122
The Year in Retrospect, 1
Locomotives :-
Beattie 2-4-0 Tanks, 13
Dean Goods Class, 181
Franco-CroSti 2-10-0, 155, 207
James Holden's Mixed Traffics, 130
Last " Scot " gets Taper Boiler, 119
Lineaments, 114
L.B.S.C.R. " Atlantics ", Last of the, 216
L.B.S.C.R. ",E 2 " Tanks, 255
L.B.S.C.R. " Moguls ", 191
L.M.R. " Pacific " on the Western, 145
London Transport, 0-4-4 Tanks, 160
"L 12 " 4-4-0 withdrawn, 159
Webb's " Watford " Tanks, 126
Webb 2-4-2 Tanks, 19
London Lines, The West 10(
London Midland Performance 26, 26!
London Terminus, Roof Collapse in 1905 275
London Tilbury & Southend Railway 70, 92, 14(
London Transport Acton Works 7
London Transport Coach Modification 19(
Longmoor, Open Day at 202
Memories of 50 Years, Idle 16,
Meon Valley, Midhurst and 31
" Mid-Day Scot ", The 16f
Midhurst and Meon Valley r 3i
Midland to the City 21(
Mineral Railways, Port Talbot and South Wales 24E
Mixed Traffics, James Holden's 13(
Modernisation Plans :-
Eastern Region, 81
First Two Years, 121
Mountain Railway, Snowden 21, 205
New Railways in Central Asia 23f
Nineteen Seventy 4f
North Wales, Holidays in 241
Notable Withdrawal, A 15f
Padarn Railway 6E
Park Drain Station, Closing of 12(
Pennsylvanian 4-4-4-4, Footplate Trip 252
Performance, Recent L.M.R. 2E
Point Signal, High Carr 24
Portsmouth Harbour in Retrospect 12
Port Talbot and South Wales Mineral Railways 24E
Post Office Railway 42
" Pullman " on the Western Region 192
Rail Traffic between U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe 136
Railway Bells, Some 232
Railway By-Ways in Dorset 10
Railway Electrification in Belgium 174, 222
Railway World Metropolitan Special 160
Railways to Guildford, 1844-1885 83
Recent L.M.R. Performance 26
Retrospect, Portsmouth Harbour in 12
Retrospect, The Year in 2
Rhondda & Swansea Bay Railway 269
Running, The Study of Locomotive 122
Runs to Remember 193
Scotland's North East, Fish Traffic in 61
Scottish Drivers, Four Famous 276
Shape of Things to Come 1
Shed Scenes to Remember :-
Abergavenny, 37
Aberyswyth, 91
Alloa, 288
Bidston, 240
Cork, 120
Dumfries, 167
Dundalk, 214
Glyn Neath, 256
Highbridge, 129
Hull, 24
Kettering, 64
Spalding, 214
Signalling on the Southern Region, Colour Light 144.
Snowden Mountain Railway 21, 205
Some Railway Bells 232
Southend Railway , London Tilbury & 70, 92, 140
South Devon Railway 187
South Wales Mineral Railways, Port Talbot and 246
South Wales Revisited 197
Steam, Future Role of 73
Steam on the Belfast & County Down, Exit 59
Study of Locomotive Running, The 122
Stroudley and Rusbridge Electric Communication
System 168
Surrey Railway Scheme of 1801 237
Swansea Bay Railway, Rhondda and 269
Talyllyn Railway Appeal 91
Talyllyn Railway, 1955 283
Taper Boiler, Last " Scot " gets 119
Ticket Spotlight :-
Caledonian Railway, 88
Great Western Railway, 138
London & North Eastern Railway, 164
North & South Western Jct. Railway, 262
North Sunderland Railway, 44
Tilbury and Southend Railway, London 70, 92, 140
Thoughts on Railway Accident Reports 229
Trial of the Stroudley and Rusbridge Communi-
cation System 168
Toronto Underground Lightweight Cars 17
Trials, Developments and 97
Trials, The " Cornish Riviera" 145
Underground, Lightweight Cars for Toronto 17
U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe, Rail Traffic Between 136
U.S.-Built Coach on L.M.R. 186
Wales :-
Holidays in North, 241
Port Talbot Mineral Railways, 246
South, Revisited, 197
Talyllyn, 90, 283
The Rhondda & Swansea Bay Railway, 269
Watford Line Diesels 186, 235
Webb 2-4-2 Tanks, The Last 19
Webb's " Watford " Tanks 126
Wenford Bridge Mineral Line 13
West Cumberland Diesel Railcar Scheme 101
West London Lines 106
Western Region " Pullman " 192
With the Caledonian from Hamilton 45, 53
Wolverhampton (Low Level) Centenary 16
Year in Retrospect, The 2
York, Great Northern to, 1955 135
Zeebrugge Train Ferries, The Harwich 150
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