Railway Modeller 2017 August Axe Valley Railway Go Wireless Cbus from Merg Woodv
Railway Modeller 2017 August Axe Valley Railway
Railway Modeller is published on the 22nd of preceding month. Printed in UK. Vol 68 #802.
638 Axe Valley Railway
Railway of the Month
Ian Gurr distils his experience of working with large scale live steam models to inspire those wishing to go down the garden railway route.
646 Ella Street sidings
Plan of the Month
Editor Steve flint proffers up this former Hull & Barnsley goods depot as an alternative layout suggestion. With additional input from Mick Nicholson and James Wells.
648 East Derbyshire
Mineral Railway
This might-have-been industrial system linking several firms to the LMS was built in 4mm scale by Mick Payne and set in the 1940s period.
656 Steaming along the Severn
The wayside Severn Valley Railway station at Hampton Loade has a secret gem: the Paddock Railway, a G scale multicircuit model railway, as Craig Tiley discovers.
661 Protocab wireless control
The recently-released control system from Acc+Ess requires no track voltage of any kind: editor Steve Flint presents this evaluation of the product.
664 Clumber Central station
Having been inspired by childhood memories of Nottingham Victoria, Jim Smith built a Gauge 1 homage for his outdoor railway.
668 Emsworth
Ben Adlington gave his fictitious Yorkshire-based town. with links to Leeds and York. a P G Wodehouse character's name: this 00 layout is set in modern times.
674 CBUS from MERG
Marlin Perry and Pete Brownflow both Model Electronic Railway Group members. explain the concept and possibilities of this layout accessory control system.
677 Alwinton 1
Tony Lambert introduces this 00 gauge layout, set in the northeast and integrated with a computer to provide control and produce realistic daynight lighting effects.
680 Talking Points
Topical issues from the world of railway modelling. This month. Dave Holman discusses the prevalence of exhibitions, and their cost - not just in financial terms.
682 Woodvale Junction
Memories of long trains on N/2FS classics such as Chiltern Green spurred Mark Anderson on to complete his own 1:148 layout project.
688 LSWR K10 4-4-0
Scale Drawings
More updated W Hardin Osborne drawings (by
Brian Meredith); Tim Rayner looks at the Drummond
'Small Hoppers' of the London & South Western Railway.
690 Mechanical locking
Last month. Jeff Geary described the electro-mechanical lever frame used to control the 0 gauge layout Whitchurch Town; its locking methods, designed to prevent conflicting moves being set up. as per the prototype, are explained in this instalment.
692 Invercalley buildings
David Harrison shows how he used basic scaling techniques to produce N gauge versions of real structures for his layout (seen last month).
694 Horsley Wood Goods
When Colin Chisem changed his 00 gauge Great Western layout to a Southern scene. he retained the track plan to avoid too much destruction.
703 Comment
Opinions and observations across the field of railway modelling. This month. Peter Osborne discusses scale sound as applied to models' listening distances.
704 Readers' Letters
706 Latest Reviews
Reviewed this month are the Dapol Gloucester Class 122 single unit DMU in 00; the DJ Models Mermaid ballast wagon in N: the Clay Tiger bogie hopper in 00 from the Kernow Model Rail Centre; ballast hoppers from Irish Rail Models; the Slater's Lynton & Barnstaple brake third kit in 7mm; retooled Southern rail-built signal kits in 4mm from Ratio; and more.
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