Railway Modeller 1988 September Minimum-Space 7mm Scale Layout Kit building LNER

  • $8.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railway Modeller 1988 September Minimum-Space 7mm Scale Layout Kit building LNER
Railway Modeller 1988 September Minimum-Space 7mm Scale Layout
Railway Modeller is published on the 22nd of preceding month. Printed in UK. Vol 39 # 455. COVER: Dallington Road station, modelled In 0 gauge by T. J. Booth, is described in this issue and will be shown at the Shipley exhibition In September.
Scotland Street by Dave Elbourne386
LNER Bogie Brake 4mm kitbuilding394
Inside Motion Easy method397
Locos for Coolcalaghta Irish NG398
The Dry Alternative Weathering401
Modular Layout in N by Ron Boreham402
Ashton colour pictures405
Class 25 - part 2 4mm detailing406
N Gauge Society Anniversary 21 years! 408 Minimum-space 0 gauge by T. J. Booth 412
Beverley NER station worth modelling416
Cannock Hawks Green LMS terminus420
Sunday Diversion Modem practices421
LNWR Crane Shunter by Ian Beattie422
Junior Modeller 423
Points of View 430
Plan of the Month
424 Scrapbox 431
News Special 427
Clubs 431

All pictures are of the actual item.  There may be reflection from the lights in some photos.   We try to take photos of any damage.    If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad.  Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.

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All sales are final. Returns accepted if item is not as described.  Contact us before making a return.  No warranty is stated or implied. Please e-mail us with any questions before bidding or buying.   

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