Railway Modeller 1987 June Coptorne Park Kitbashing 0-16.5 Cardiff Docks

  • $8.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railway Modeller 1987 June Coptorne Park Kitbashing 0-16.5 Cardiff Docks
Railway Modeller 1987 June  

I did not see the oliday Guide in this issue
Railway Modeller is published on the 22nd of preceding month. Printed in UK. Vol 38 # 440. Cover, depicts a miniature railway locomotive. It is a half-sized scale model of the famous Hunslet 2-6-2T Russell and therefore combines the crafts of model engineering and railway modelling, to our mind very successfully.Also, for those who enjoy out-of-doors steam in a rather more manageable size, Stephen Bazire, described his lovely SM32 garden railway,  Southwold on pages 236-238.
Copthorne Park N gauge on exhibition222
Kitbashing 0-16.5 Coach variations226
Cardiff Docks TVR museum model228
Taff Vale Class A Scale drawings230
Bridgnorth Preservation in 4mm scale232
Bryford Road - 2 Modern layout234
GNR Signal Cabin Vintage drawings235
Southwold Stock Loco and carriage drawings236
Otterley St Mary Celebrating the S&D240
Southwold in SM32 Narrow gauge in the garden 242
Rail Electric 7mm Classes 88 & 89246
Modelling the Southern Part 8c247
Class 59  Len Vass builds a 'Yeoman'248
Dressing the Window Presentation is important 251 Westcombe - 1 Designing a branch line252

All pictures are of the actual item.  There may be reflection from the lights in some photos.   We try to take photos of any damage.    If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad.  Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.

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