Railway Line Clearances #175 Annual Issue 1965 Weight Limitations

  • $55.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railway Line Clearances #175 Annual Issue 1965 Weight Limitations
Railway Line Clearances #175 Annual Issue 1965
Including weight limitations of railroads in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Soft Cover
378 charts
Copyright June 1965
Cover (Inside Back) - Association of American Railroads (A. A. R.) Interchange Rule No. 86, Extract from
VI-Association of American Railroads-Mechanical DivisionPlate B--Equipment Diagram for Unrestricted Interchange Service
VII-Association of American Railroads-Mechanical Division-Plate B-1-Maximum Width of Cars with Various Truck Centers
VIII-Association of American Railroads--Mechanical Division-Plate C-Equipment Diagram for Limited Interchange Service
IX-Association of American Railroads-Mechanical Division-Plate C-1-Maximum Width of Cars with Various Truck Centers
X-Association of American RailroadsOperating-Transportation Division-Outline Diagram for Single Loads, Without End Overhang, on Open Top Cars.
XI-Association of American Railroads-Operating--Transportation Division-Roads, or Certain Routes of Roads That Will Not Clear "Outline Diagram for Single Loads, Without End Overhang, on Open Top Cars"
IV, V-Clearance Diagrams for Railway Bridges, Turntables, Single Track Tunnel, Double Track Tunnel, Structures (Other Than Platforms) Adjacent to Industrial Side Tracks, Building Doors, Platforms
1 to 377-Clearance Limitations of Railroads in the United States, Canada and Mexico
III-Clearance Lines for Pantograph, Catenary Construction and Adjacent Permanent Way Structures Where Men Are Not Permitted To Be On Top Of Cars. Association of American Railroads-Electrical Section-Engineering and Mechanical Divisions
II-Clearance Lines for Third-Rail Territory. Association of American Railroads-Electrical Section-Engineering and Mechanical Divisions
XII-Index of Railroads
IV, V-Recommended Clearances for New Construction. Association of American Railroads-Engineering Division
1 to 377-Weight Limitations  
12-Aberdeen & Rockfish R. R.
12-Abilene & Southern Ry.
12-Ahnapee & Western Ry. Co., The
9-Akron and Barberton Belt R. R.
16-22-Akron Belt Line. (See Baltimore and Ohio R. R.)
9-Akron, Canton & Youngstown R. R.
349-Alabama Great Southern R. R. (See Southern Ry. System.)
12-Alabama, Tennessee & Northern R. R. Co.
1-Alaska Railroad, The
12-Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Ry.
12-Aliquippa & Southern R. R.
12-Alma & Jonquieres Ry.
12-Alton and Southern RR.
12-Amador Central R. R. Co.
9-Ann Arbor R. R.
13-Apache Ry.
13-Apalachicola Northern R. R.
13-Arcade and Attica R. R.
13-Arkansas & Louisiana Missouri Ry.
129-Arkansas Western Ry. (See Kansas City Southern Ry.)
13-Aroostook Valley RR
13-Ashley, Drew & Northern Ry. Co.
2 to 8-Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry.
2 to 8-Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry.-Coast Lines. (See Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry.)
13-Atlanta & Saint Andrews Bay Ry.
375-Atlanta & West Point R. R. (See Western By. of Alabama.)
13-Atlantic and East Carolina Ry.
10, 11 -Atlantic Coast Line R. R.
30-Baltimore and Annapolis R. R., The
30-Baltimore & Eastern R. R. Co.
14 to 27-Baltimore and Ohio R. It.
30-Bangor and Aroostook It. R. Co.
30-Beaufort & Morehead R. R. Co.
32-Belfast and Moosehead Lake R. R.
32-Bellefonte Central R. R.
32-Belt Ry. of Chicago.
31-Bessemer and Lake Erie R. R.
31-Birmingham Southern R. R. Co.
32-Bonhomie & Hattiesburg Southern R. R.
198 to 227-Boston and Albany Railroad. (See New York Central System.)
28, 29-Boston and Maine Corporation.
32-Boyne City Railroad.
33-British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority.
33-Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal.
33-Buffalo Creek R. R.
72 to 78-Burlington Lines.
33-Bush Terminal R. R. Co.
33-Butte, Anaconda and Pacific Ry.
79-Cadillac & Lake City Railway Co.
88-California Western Railroad.
86-Camas Prairie R. R.
34 to 45-Canadian National Rys.
46 to 55-Canadian Pacific Car & Passenger Transfer Co., Ltd. (See Canadian Pacific Ry.)
46 to 55-Canadian Pacific Ry.
88-Canton Railroad.
88-Cape Fear Railways, Inc.
79-Carbon County Railway Co.
85-Carolina and Northwestern Ry. Co.
87-Carrollton R. R., The
88-Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Ry. Co.
88-Central California Traction Co.
85-Central Indiana Ry.
56, 57-Central of Georgia Ry.
58, 59-Central Railroad Company of New Jersey.
60-Central Vermont Ry., Inc.
79-Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad, Inc.
89-Chattahoochee Valley Ry.
15-Cheat Haven & Bruceton R. R. (See Baltimore and Ohio R. R.)
61 to 67-Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.-Central Region and Eastern Region.
68, 69-Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.-Northern Region.
89-Chesapeake Western Ry.
89-Chestnut Ridge Ry.
85-Chicago and Eastern Illinois R. R.
86-Chicago & Illinois Midland Ry.
70, 71-Chicago & North Western Railway.
87-Chicago & Western Indiana R. R.
72 to 78-Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. (See Burlington Lines.)
79-Chicago Great Western Ry.
191-Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Ry Co. (See Monon Railroad
83, 84-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific. R. R.
87-Chicago River & Indiana R. R.
80 to 82-Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Co.
87-Chicago Short Line Ry.
86-Chicago South Shore and South Bend R. R.
87-Chicago, West Pullman and Southern R. R. Co.
349-Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry. (See Southern Ry. System.)
85-City of Prineville Railway.
89-Clarendon & Pittsford R. R.
198 to 227-Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway (See New York Central System.)
90-Clinchfield R. R.
72 to 78-Colorado and Southern Ry. Co., The (See Burlington Lines.)
89-Colorado & Wyoming Ry. Co., The
90-Columbia, Newberry & Laurens R. R.
88-Columbus and Greenville Ry. Co.
90-Copper Range R. R.
90-Coudersport & Port Allegany R. R 90-Corinth and Counce Railroad Co., The
90-Cumberland Ry. Co.,[Sydney and Louisburg Division. 90-Cuyahoga Valley Ry.
94-Dansville & Mt. Morris R. R.
94-Dardanelle & Russellville R. R.
91-Delaware and Hudson R. R. Corporation, The
94-Delray Connecting R. R.
90-Delta Valley & Southern Ry. Co.
92, 93-Denver and Rio Grande Western R. R. Co., The
90-De Queen and Eastern Railroad Co.
90-Des Moines & Central Iowa Ry.
95-Des Moines Union fly.
94-Detroit and Mackinac Ry.
95-Detroit and Toledo Shore Line R. R.
94-Detroit, Toledo & Ironton R. R.
95-Dominion Atlantic Ry.
95-Duluth & Northeastern R. R. Co.
95-Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Ry.
95-Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Ry.
95-Durham & Southern Ry.
106-East Carolina Ry.
106-East Erie Commercial R. R.
96 to 103-Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Ry.
104,105-Erie Lackawanna R. R. Co.
106-Escanaba and Lake Superior R. R.
46 to 55-Esquimalt & Nanaimo Ry. (See Canadian Pacific y.)
106-Essex Terminal Ry.
107-F. C. Nor-Oeste de Mexico. (See Ferrocarril de Chihuahua al Pacifico, S. A.)
107-Federal Barge Lines, Inc. (R. R. Division.)
107-Fernwood, Columbia & Gulf Railroad Company.
107-Ferrocarril de Chihuahua al Pacifico, S. A.
107-Ferrocarril del Pacifico, S. A. de C. V.
106-Ferrocarril del Sureste, SCT.
107-Ferrocarril Kansas City, Mexico y Oriente. (See Ferrocarril de Chihuahua al Pacifico, S. A.)
196, 197-Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico.
108, 109-Florida East Coast Railway Company.
107-Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville R. R.
107-Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Ry.
129-Fort Smith & Van Buren Ry. (See Kansas City Southern Ry)
72 to 78-Fort Worth and Denver Railway Company. (See Burlington Lines.)
310, 311-Gainesville Midland R. R. Co. (See Seaboard Air Line Railroad Co.)
119-Galveston, Houston and Henderson R. R.
119-Galveston Wharves.
119-Genesee and Wyoming R. R.
119-Georgia & Florida Railway Company.
122-Georgia, Ashburn, Sylvester & Camilla Ry.
122-Georgia Northern Ry.
119-Georgia R. R.
122-Georgetown R. R. Co., Inc.
122-Grafton and Upton R. R. Co.
122-Graham County R. R.
122-Grand River Ry.
110, 111-Grand Trunk Western R. R. Co. (Canadian National Rys.)
122-Graysonia, Nashville & Ashdown RR.
112 to 118-Great Northern Ry.
123-Great Western Railway Company, The
122-Green Bay & Western R. R.
123-Green Mountain Railroad Corp.
122-Greenville & Northern Ry.
122-Greenwich & Johnsonville Ry.
2 to 8-Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Ry. (See Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry)
120, 121-Gulf, Mobile & Ohio R. R. Co.
123-Hampton & Branchville R. R. Co.
123-Hannibal Connecting R. R.
349-Harriman & Northeastern R. R. (See Southern fly. System.)
123-Hartford and Slocomb Railroad Co.
123-Helena Southwestern R. R. Co.
123-High Point, Thomasville & Denton R. R. Co.
123-Houston Belt & Terminal By.
123-Hutchinson & Northern Ry. Co., The
124 to 126-Illinois Central Railroad.
127-Illinois Northern Railway.
128-Illinois Terminal R. R. Company.
127-Indiana Harbor Belt R. R.
127-Indianapolis Union By.
15-Indian Creek Valley Ry. (See Baltimore and Ohio R. R.)
128-Interstate R. R.
127-lowa Terminal R. R. Co.
127-Ironton R. R., The
128-Johnstown & Stony Creek R. R.
129-Kansas & Missouri Ry. & Terminal Co. (See Kansas City Southern Ry.)
129-Kansas City Southern Ry.
130-Kansas City Terminal Ry.
130-Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Ry.
130-Kentucky & Indiana Terminal R. R.
130-Kentucky & Tennessee By.
122-Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western R. R. (See Green Bay & Western R. R.)
349-Knoxville & Augusta R. R. (See Southern Ry. System.)
160-Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley Railway.
160-Lake Champlain and Moriah R. R.
161-Lake Erie and Eastern R. R.
160-Lake Erie & Northern Ry.
232-Lake Erie & Western District. (See New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R.)
160-Lake Erie, Franklin and Clarion R. R.
160-Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad Co.
160-Lake Terminal Railroad Co., The
161-Lancaster and Chester Ry.
200-Lansing Manufacturers' Railway. (See New Pork Central System.)
200-Lansing Transit Railway. (See New York Central System.)
161-La Salle and Bureau County R. R.
130-Laurinburg and Southern Railroad Company.
131-Lehigh and Hudson River Ry.
130-Lehigh & New England Ry.
132 to 141-Lehigh Valley R. R.
161-Live Oak Perry & Gulf R. R.
142-Long Island R. R.
161-Los Angeles Junction Ry. Co.
143-Louisiana & Arkansas Ry. Co.
161-Louisiana & North West R. R.
161-Louisiana & Pine Bluff Ry.
161-Louisiana Midland Ry. Co.
161-Louisiana Southern Ry.
144 to 159-Louisville & Nashville R. R.
162, 163-Maine Central R. R. Co.
192-Manistique and Lake Superior R. R.
192-Manufacturers Railway Co.
193-Marinette, Tomahawk & Western R. R.
193-Maryland & Pennsylvania R. R.
193-McCloud River Railroad Co.
193-Meridian and Bigbee R. R. Co.
198 to 227-Michigan Central Railroad. (See New York Central Systems.)
193-Middle Fork R. R.
194-Midland Continental R. R.
193-Midland Valley R. R.
70, 71-Minneapolis Industrial Railway. (See Chicago and North Western Railway Co.)
195-Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Ry.
194-Minnesota Transfer Ry. Co.
193-Mississippi & Skuna Valley R. R.
193-Mississippi Central R. R.
195-Mississippi Export Railroad Co.
194-Missouri & Illinois Bridge & Belt R. R.
190-Missouri-Illinois R. R. (See Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.)
164, 165-Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Co.
166 to 190-Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.
191-Monon Railroad.
194-Monongahela Connecting R. R.
192-Monongahela Ry.
119-Monroe R. R. (See Georgia R. R.)
195-Montana Western Railway Co., The
195-Montour Railroad Company.
195-Morristown & Erie R. R.
195-Mount Hope Mineral RR
195-Muncie and Western R. R. Co.
257- Napierville Junction Ry.
190-Natchez & Southern Ry. (See Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.)
196, 197-National Railways of Mexico.
257-Nevada Northern Ry. Co.
257-Newburgh & South Shore Ry. Co.
105-New Jersey & New York R. R. Co. (See Erie-Lackawanna R. R.)
257-New Jersey, Indiana & Illinois R. R.
190-New Orleans & Lower Coast R. R. (See Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.)
349-New Orleans & Northeastern R. R. (See Southern Ry. System.)
257-New Orleans Public Belt R. R.
349-New Orleans Terminal Co. (See Southern Ry. System.)
257-New York & Long Branch R. R.
198 to 227-New York Central R. R. Co. (See New York Central System.)
198 to 227-New York Central System.
230 to 238-New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. (See Norfolk and Western Ry.)
257-New York Dock Ry.
228, 229-New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Co.
239-New York, Susquehanna and Western R. R. Co.
260-Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line R. R.
230 to 238-Norfolk and Western Ry.
257-Norfolk, Franklin and Danville Railway Co.
260-Norfolk Southern Ry.
260-Northampton and Bath R. R.
260-Northeast Oklahoma R. R.
260-Northern Alberta Railways.
240 to 242, 256- Northern Pacific Ry.
260-North Louisiana & Gulf R. R.
258, 259-Northwestern Pacific R. R.
260-Norwood & St. Lawrence R. R.
261-Oklahoma City-Ada-Atoka Ry.
261-Ontario Northland Railway.
261-Oregon & Northwestern R. R.
346, 347-Oregon Electric Ry. (See Spokane, Portland and Seattle Ry.)
261-Oregon, Pacific & Eastern Ry.
346, 347-Oregon Trunk Ry. (See Spokane, Portland and Seattle Ry.)
34 to 45-Oshawa Ry. (See Canadian National Ry.)
288-Pacific Coast R. R.
288-Pacific Great Eastern Ry. Co.
2 to 8-Panhandle & Santa Fe Ry. (See Atchison, Topeka .k Santa Fe Ry.
288-Pearl River Valley R. R.
288-Pecos Valley Southern Ry. Co.
262 to 285-Pennsylvania R. R., The
286-Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines.
198 to 227-Peoria & Eastern Railway (See New York Central System.)
288-Peoria & Pekin Union Ry.
80 to 82-Peoria Terminal Co. (See Rock Island Lines.)
289-Petaluma & Santa Rosa R. R.
289-Pickens R. R.
289-Piedmont and Northern Ry.
290-Pittsburg and Shawmut R. R.
287-Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R. R.
289-Pittsburgh and Ohio Valley Railway Co.
230 to 238-Pittsburgh & West Virginia Ry. Co., The (See Norfolk and Western Ry.)
289-Pittsburgh, Chartiers and Youghiogheny Ry.
289-Port Huron & Detroit R. R.
290-Portland Traction Co.
290-Port Townsend R. R.
290-Prescott & Northwestern R. R.
290-Quanah, Acme and Pacific Ry.
290-Quebec Central Ry.
290-Quincy Railroad Company.
291-Rahway Valley R. R. Co.
291-Raritan River R. R.
292 to 298-Reading Co.
299-Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R.
291-River Terminal Railway Co., The
291-Roberval and Saguenay Ry.
291-Rockingham R. R.
80 to 82-Rock Island Lines.
291-Roscoe, Snyder & Pacific Ry.
309-Sacramento Northern Ry.
357-St. Johnsbury & Lamoille County R. R.
358-St. Joseph Belt Ry.
300-St. Louis-San Francisco Ry.
302 to 304-308-St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co.
357-St. Marys Railroad Co.
357-Salt Lake, Garfield & Western Ry.
353-San Diego & Arizona Eastern Ry. Co.
358-Sand Springs Railway Co.
357-San Manuel Arizona R. R. Co.
358-Santa Maria Valley R. R.
356-Savannah & Atlanta Ry.
358-Savannah State Docks Railroad Co.
310, 311-Seaboard Air Line Railroad Co.
358-Seatrain Lines, Inc.
342 to 345-Soo Line R. R. Co.
357-South Brooklyn Ry.
358-Southern Industrial Railroad, Inc.
358-Southern New York Railway, Incorporated.
332 to 341-Southern Pacific Company (Texas and Louisiana Lines).
312 to 331-Southern Pacific Lines West of Portland, Ogden, El Paso Tucumcari.
348 to 352-Southern Ry. System.
358-South Georgia Ry.
358-South Omaha Terminal Ry.
357-Spokane International R. R.
346, 347-Spokane, Portland and Seattle Ry.
354,355-Staten Island Rapid Transit Ry.
358-Sumter & Choctaw Ry. Co.
310, 311-Tavares and Gulf R. R. Co. (See Seaboard Air Line Railroad Co.)
359-Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia Ry.
359-Tennessee Central Ry.
360-Tennessee Railroad Co.
360-Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis.
360-Texas & Northern Railway Co.
166 to 189-Texas & Pacific Ry. Co. (See Missouri Pacific R. R. Co.)
360-Texas City Terminal Ry.
360-Texas-Mexican Ry.
361-Texas-New Mexico Ry.
360-Texas, Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad Company.
361-Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Terminal R. R. of New Orleans.
361-Texas South-Eastern Railroad Company.
361-Tidewater Southern Ry.
363-Toledo, Angola & Western Ry. Co.
363-Toledo, Peoria & Western R. R. Co.
363-Toledo Terminal R. R.
363-Tooele Valley Ry.
362-Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Ry. Co.
364-Trona Ry.
364-Tucson, Cornelia and Gila Bend RR
364-Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Ry. Co.
364-Twin Branch R. R.
228, 229-Union Freight R. R. (Boston.) (See New York, New Haven & Hartford RR)
365 to 372-Union Pacific Railroad Company.
364-Union R. R. Co. (Pittsburgh.)
190-Union Railway (Memphis.) (See Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.)
364-Utah Railway Co.
364-Ventura County Railway Company.
364-Vermont Railway, Inc.
364-Virginia and Carolina Southern R. R. Company.
230 to 238-Wabash Railroad Co. (See Norfolk and Western Ry.)
375-Ware Shoals R. R.
375-Warren & Saline River Railroad Co.
375-Washington and Old Dominion RR
375-Washington, Idaho & Montana Ry.
376-Weatherford, Mineral Wells and North-Western Ry.
375-Wellsville, Addison & Galeton R. R. Corp.
376-Western Allegheny R. R.
873-Western Maryland Ry.
374-Western Pacific R. R. Co.
375-Western Ry. of Alabama.
109-West India Fruit and Steamship Company (See Florida East' Coast Railway Company.)
376-Wharton and Northern R. R. Co.
376-White Sulphur Springs & Yellowstone Park Ry.
376-Winchester and Western R. R. Co.
376-Winfield R. R. Co.
376-Winston-Salem South Bound Ry.
377-Wrightsville and Tennalle R. R.
377-Yancey Railroad Company.
377-Youngstown & Southern Ry. Co.
377-Yreka Western Railroad Company.

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