Railway Engineering & Maintenance Cyclopedia 1939 RE&M 4th edition

  • $300.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railway Engineering & Maintenance Cyclopedia 1939 RE&M 4th edition
Railway Engineering and Maintenance Cyclopedia 1939 Fourth Edition
Hard Cover
1008 pages
Copyright 1939
PrefacePage 3
How to Use the BookPage 7
The Definition Section
A Dictionary of Terms in Railway Engineering and Maintenance Practice and General Subject IndexPage 9
The Track Section C. Miles Burpee, Editor
Frontispiece 91
Introduction  93
Roadway Standards 97
Grading and Grading Equipment 107
Drainage and Ditching Equipment 125
Snow and Ice Removal 135
Weed Destroyers  147
Ballast  154
Ballast Application and Cleaning 164
Cross and Switch Ties 184
Rail  202
Rail Renewal and Maintenance 228
Bail Joints  252
Rail Joint Accessories 264
Tie Plates and. Track Fastenings 271
Anti-Creepers  285
Switches, Frogs and Crossings 290
Guard Rails  325
Switch Stands 332
Derails  341
Bumpers and Car Stops 343
Fencing  348
Highway Crossings 361
Motor Cars  369
Track Tools and Equipment 382
The Bridge Section Philip George Lang, Jr., Editor
Frontispiece  409
Introduction  411
Substructures  417
Piles  430
Pile Driving Equipment 443
Concrete and Stone Masonry 447
Concreting Equipment  461
Culverts    466
Superstructures  475
Bridge Floors  503
Waterproofing  511
Erection and Erecting Equipment 518
Bridge and Structural Painting 529
Turntables and Transfer Tables 736
Highway and Signal Bridges 544
Trestles    548
The Building Section Arthur L. Sparks, Editor
Frontispiece  555
Introduction 557
Passenger Stations, Shelters and Platforms   560
Freight Houses and Equipment 576
Icing Stations  582
Locomotive Terminals and Shops 585
Engine Houses and Equipment 593
Fuel Stations, Sand Houses and Dryers 601
Cinder Disposal  617
Power Houses 623
Locomotive and Car Shops 628
Store Houses and Oil Houses 635
Facilities for Housing Employees 639
Miscellaneous Roadway Buildings 647
Scales and Scale Test Cars 649
Foundations and Waterproofing 658
Floors  660
Walls and Partitions 664
Insulation 673
Roofing, Flashings, Gutters and Spouting 677
Doors 686
Windows and Skylights 691
Heating, Ventilating. and Air Conditioning Equipment  694
Plumbing and Sanitary Equipment 702
Building Painting and Finishing 706
Electric Lighting Equipment711
The Water Service Section C. R. Knowles, Editor
Frontispiece 715
Introduction 717
Sources of Supply 719
Pumps 728
Power Units in Pumping 741
Pipe Lines and Fittings 746
Valves and Hydrants 763
Water Storage and Delivery 766
Water Treatment  778
Devices for Measuring Water 793
Tools and Equipment 797
The Signal Section  Paul M. Gault, Editor
Frontispiece 799
Introduction  801
Signals and Signal Indications 814
Train Order and Manual Block Signaling 823
Automatic Block Signaling 825
Interlocking Plants  833
Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Interlockings  841
Power Interlocking  845
Power Operation and Control at Classification Yards  856
Centralized Traffic Control 861
Automatic Train Control and Cab Signals 865
Highway-Railroad Crossing Protection 870
Power Supply for Signaling Systems 877
Track Circuits  891
Detector Signaling Protection 903
Signaling Apparatus and Materials 908
The General Section   C. Miles Burpee, Editor
Frontispiece 921
Metals and Their Application 923
Timber  935
Wood Preservation  952
Power Units  971
Locomotive and Crawler Cranes and Grab Buckets 980
Wire Rope, Cordage and Chain 988
Directory and Indexes
Directory of Products  999
Trade Name Index of Products1002
Alphabetical Index to Manufacturers Pages1004
How to Use the Book
A brief statement of the plan followed in the building up of the cyclopedia is a necessary preliminary to a proper understanding of how best to locate and make use of the information it contains. In preparing the Railway Engineering and Maintenance Cyclopedia the aim of the editors has been to resent in the most convenient grouping information on a wide variety of subjects, of interest alike to the officer or employee of the engineering, maintenance of way or signaling department. The division or staff officer who is directly in charge of such work; the operating officer who has general supervision over, but is not closely in touch with its details, but yet is vitally concerned with them; the higher engineering officers who must keep constantly ,informed as to the best modern practice and must make frequent reference to adopted specifications and other important data ; the purchasing agent who must often reconcile differences regarding details of materials and devices requisitioned; and the executive officer who in the end must authorize expenditures; these men need the complete and concise assemblage of facts scheduled in this authoritative cyclopedia.
The scheme selected for the arrangement of the text discussions is one calculated to afford a comprehensive analysis of a subject with the maximum of convenience to the reader. The division of the book into sections, each one devoted to some specific branch of maintenance, as Track, Bridge, Building, Water Service, or Signaling, and the addition to these of a General Section, covering, those subjects which do not specifically belong in any one section, and the further subdivision of these into a series of chapters, each devoted to a major subject, enable the reader in many cases to turn directly to the required information. Each chapter treats a subject exhaustively from the engineering standpoint, embodying such detailed quotations of accepted rules, specifications or described preferred practices as may be necessary to complete authoritative information. In addition, the several types of equipment made by different manufacturers are illustrated to show general features of design. In many cases the discussions are supplemented by the manufacturers with more detailed descriptions of their products, such as will enable the reader to complete the mind picture, and these have been included as a definite part of their respective chapters, following immediately after the text discussions.
The thought has been to select that which is best in the engineering and maintenance field, incorporating the most modern methods and including only those standards which have received the approval of the established technical societies. While by reason of space limitations or for other reasons the devices illustrated do not embrace all of the types on the market, every effort has been made to show those which have proved their value by actual service in railway work. The more than 2,000 illustrations interspersed throughout the book have been selected mainly for their value in clarifying the text. The manufacturers have co-operated fully in making the illustrations representative of the designs and patterns in present-day use. Illustrations of devices or materials made by manufacturers using catalog pages to amplify the editorial description of their products carry bold face captions; others carry light face captions.
The user of the Railway Engineering and Maintenance Cyclopedia, when in need of a brief definition of a word or expression, will turn to the Definition Section, where he will find the word or term defined concisely, correctly and authoritatively. The best sources of information, have been searched with a view to correcting the costly confusion in terminology heretofore existing. In particular, the definitions adopted by the A.R.E.A., of which there are many, have been accepted. Where a more detailed discussion of a subject is included in the text pages, or in the manufacturers' pages which follow them closely, a reference to the chapter is added, this reference constructively embracing the catalog pages. since they are a definite part of the chapters. It is believed that through the use of the Definition Section as a general subject index, a topic can be located with a minimum expenditure of time and effort.
With a view to the further guidance of the reader seeking information on the products described in the manufacturers' pages, three additional indexes are available at the end of the book: (1) An Alphabetical Index of Manufacturers, including only those who have presented information concerning their products in catalog pages, with a list of their main offices and domestic and foreign branches ; (2) an Index of the Trade Names by which products described in the catalog pages are known ; and (3) a Directory of Products Index, giving the names of manufacturers of different products described in the catalog pages. The information contained in the Alphabetical Index will facilitate the directing of inquiries or the placing of orders, since the nearest office may be located at a glance. The Trade Name Index will often prove the most direct means of finding a product, since many products are best known by their familiar or trade names. The Directory of Products will prove a handy means of obtaining the names of several manufacturers of a particular material or device. The several specific indexes, taken in connection with the General Index supplied by the Definition Section and the convenient arrangement of the combined text and Catalog Section, will assure to the railway officer the maximum of convenience in the use of this book.

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