Railway Age Weekly 1959 October 5 A Primer on Inflation
Railway Age Weekly 1959 October 5 A Primer on Inflation
38 Pages
Steel strike cuts RR earnings P. 9
Some of the $500 million in gross revenues lost as a result of the strike will be made up during the post-strike traffic boom. But some roads feel they've passed "the point of no return."
Cover Story-Mobile welder saves on in-track repairsp.12
The Lehigh Valley has come up with a new way to cut costs. It's using a fleet of specially equipped mobile outfits for building up worn trackwork in the field.
GE offers new hotbox detector p.14
Another manufacturer is turning out devices to detect hot-boxes. The new detector system, now in service on three railroads, is made by General Electric.
D&H gets 10 new cabooses p.24
Crew comfort and efficiency are built into the cars, which were manufactured by Morrison International Corp.'s International Car Division.
One-package transport urged p.33
The vote for integrated transportation was 3-to-1 at a shipper-motor carrier conference in St. Louis last week. The only
Special Report:
The twists and turns of money policy have made inflation vividly real to millions of Americans. It has clipped the value of a dollar in half in just 20 years. When government uses credit to build more highways, airports and waterways, it is only making the situation worse. Here is a railroad story, reported in understandable terms for the layman-the customers, the opinion leaders, the voters. (Reprints available.)
People have been clipping coins for 3,000 years p.16
Today it's the government that does the clipping p.16
Inflation at work: nobody wants to pay hard cash for the
new highway system p.18
Compounding the Inflation: "free" (!) roads, waterways
and airports don't go on the tax rolls p.20
The Action Page-We can stop inflation now p.38
& More
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