Railway Age 2001 March
60 pages
1 Industry Indicators
6 Industry Outlook
8 Market
50 People
51 100 Years Ago
51 Meetings
51 Advertising Sales
52 Company Index
52 Advertising Index
53 Products
54 Professional Directory
56 Classified
4 From the Editor
10 Financial Edge
12 Point of View
14 Supply Side
60 Policy Perspective
Rail Update 16 Raid on the RPI corral?; Supply Briefs.
Small-road update20 In Guatemala, a privatization milestone; Briefs.
Transit update22 More billions sought in Amtrak aid; In Transit.
World update26 ABC-NACO wins breakthrough order; Briefs.
28 Is labor getting a fair deal?-Better than in the past, despite the actions of some railroads still mired in a "benevolent dictator" culture.
35 Making paper a priority-Railroads are trying to reclaim paper traffic from trucks with improved service and equipment. Progress is slow but promising.
39 Drawbar dilemma-Slackless drawbars offer benefits in weight savings and improved train handling, but they also carry some problems.
15 The search for longer rail life-With billions invested in rail steel, railroads need to get the most they can out of every string or stick in service.
18 Trackwork that takes a pounding-To accommodate increased loadings, Transportation Technology Center, Inc., is developing high-stress bainitic steel for special trackwork