Railway Age 1978 November 13 BN building for a boom Washington Metrorail

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RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railway Age 1978 November 13 BN building for a boom Washington Metrorail
Railway Age November 13 1978 Vol 179 No 21
24 BN: Building for a boom                                                                                                Preparing for huge increases in coal and major increases in other traffic, the Burlington Northern is spending $500 million this year alone on roadway maintenance and improvement.
30 Model fuel transport for a model energy plant                                                                                                    Railroads form the umbilical cord of a giant new power plant near Topeka, bringing steel to build it and unit coal trains to feed it.
32 Strike benefits: What the record shows                                                                             What the railroad strike insurance program is, what it does, and how it fits into the relationship between rail labor and management.
36 Washington Metrorail: A mostly happy situation                                                                    The new system is expanding both lines and service and-with minor exceptions-more than meeting expectations of WMATA and its riders.
42 A subway in Los Angeles?                                                                                                Southern California RTD picks a bus-fed, 18-mile, deep-tunneled rail line from 11 alternatives to relieve traffic congestion.
4 Short and Significant
10 Railroads seek $1.7-billion rate increase
12 Rail Dynamics Lab dedicated at Pueblo
12 Watching Washington
14 Budd: Do-it-yourself cars for Third World
14 N.Y. DOT: USRA wrong about Conrail?
41 Moving People
43 Heavy-haul railroads wearing out too fast
50 The Railroad Marketplace
3 Inside
18 Lines on Labor
50 Carloadings
54 New Literature
48 100 Years Ago
45 People in the News
54 Product Report
46 Suppliers
46 Transit
53 Guide to Advertising

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