Railway Age 1978 December 25 The great railroads CN

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RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railway Age 1978 December 25 The great railroads CN
Railway Age December 25 1978 Vol 179 No 24
22 The great railroads CN                                                                                                               
"Be productive" is the first commandment on CN Rail. "Be profitable" is the second. Under an aggressive new management, which insists on running the railroad as a commercial enterprise, CN people are responding in an inspired manner.
32 Traffic Poll: What shippers expect in '79                                                                             
Rail shippers are about as divided as the country's economists on how the economy will do next year; they see transportation needs growing or staying the same, but with little increase in rail's share.
37 Soo Line: Keeping an old car shop competitive                                                                                                                        
By continually improving production tools and methods and exercising tight cost control, Soo's antique Fond du Lac shop makes and repairs cars with highly respectable cost ratios, year after year.
41 Structuring for profit management                                                                                      
What's needed, say the authors, is "a more careful identification of the controllable and uncontrollable dimensions of profit at various levels of railroad management, and a clearer delineation of the management information required."
59 FBA's perspective on the "Prospectus"                                                                                  
DOT defends its capital needs study, "A Prospectus for Change in the Freight Railroad Industry."
4 Short and Significant
8 Tenn-Tom teeters on a credibility gap
8 Meanwhile, back at L&D 26 ...
9 Watching Washington
12 NECIP: A test of concrete-tie track
12 Conrail defers line abandonments
12 C&NW: New link to UP for coal traffic?
14 Unit grain trains: Benefits and needs
58 The Railroad Market
3 Inside
52 Associations
58 Carloadings
64 New Literature
56 100 Years Ago
14 Lines on Labor
52 People in the News
64 Products Report
54 Suppliers
63 Guide to Advertising

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