Railway Age 1971 December 27 V171 #12 Kenefick and Union Pacific
Railway Age December 27 1971 Vol 171 No 12
LEGISLATION Staggers would switch securities control p 8
Side track for regulatory package?p 8
Fastcor: The new version vs the oldp 12
MECHANICAL Coupler investigation initiated p 8
FINANCIAL Three big roads hike capital budgetsp 8
Rail revenues at record $12.6 billionp 11
Truckers post higher netp 14
Amsted will boost spendingp 8
BN, ATSF and UP unveil their 1972 plansp 60
DEVALUATION Higher rail-equipment exports seen p. 11
LABOR Confusion and controversyp 8
MOVING FREIGHT Santa Fe looks to the Far East p. 11
Lightweight car designed for Canadian coal p. 14
CN operates "pipeline on wheels"p 62
New marketing concept involves PC unit trainsp 62
New TOFC trains pay off for Penn Central p. 62
MANAGEMENT CLOSE-UP John C. Kenefick and the Union Pacificp 21
Union Pacific means efficiency-and servicep 24
OPERATIONS Aci helps Illinois Central control piggyback terminalp 39
Western Pacific rides high in the new Perlman era p. 52
TRAFFIC POLL Shippers see better business in the coming yearp 56
INSIDE UP and "the railroad problem" P. 5
LINES ON LABOR 'Tis the season to hope for the bestp 15
VIEWPOINT "Faith, hope-and a fair deal in Washington" p. 66
WATCHING WASHINGTON Assessing Fastcor's chancesp 13
Carloadingsp 61
Industrial Trafficp 64
Lettersp 59
New Productsp 49
People in the Newsp 63
Piggyback Loadingsp 61
Revenues and Expenses p. 42
Supply Trade p. 64
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