Railway Age 1966 September 5 Montreal Birth of a subway Rail Transit tour Europe
Railway Age Weekly September 5 1966 Vol 161 No 9
12 Raildata's new car-information clearing house A computerized system that will provide instant freight-car data is scheduled for announcement this week. Here are the details.
18 Montreal Metro opens next month Four years in the building, the $230-million subway will have two lines running in October, a third by next April.
22 Rail-transit tour of Europe Notes from the underground-in Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, Berlin, Moscow, Stockholm and London.
38 Viewpoint-Do highways serve our total needs? Proposals to earmark a portion of highway funds for mass transit are gaining ground-but not enough.
36 As the Editor Sees It
33 Freight Carloadings
11 Lines on Labor
8 Monday Morning Report
33 New Equipment
27 New Products Report
35 People in the News
7 Short and Significant
35 Supply Trade
32 Transit Roundup
38 Viewpoint
13 Watching Washington
10 Week at a Glance
34 You Ought to Know
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