Railway Age 1961 January 30 Weekly Freight traffic issue PFE 500 new reefers Con

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RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railway Age 1961 January 30 Weekly Freight traffic issue PFE 500 new reefers Con
Railway Age Weekly January 30 1961 Vol 150 No 5
Will Mitchell step down?  P. 9
The former labor secretary has indicated that he will resign as chairman of the Presidential commission on railroad working rules if other members of the panel-at a meeting Feb. 6-express reservations about whether his forthcoming political campaigning in New Jersey will diminish his effectiveness as a labor peacemaker.
Cover Story-Three rate ideas shippers like p.13
The railroad rate structure must be up-dated, say most respondents to this month's Traffic Poll. But there's no general agreement as to the "whys" and "wherefores."
Cover Story-Who'll carry the nation's grain?  p.16
What's being done to keep grain on the rails, what else can be done, and what more is likely to be done, were discussed at a Railway Age roundtable in Minneapolis.
PFE cars cut shipping costs  p.35
Five hundred of the line's 40-ft ice reefers are being equipped with Ice-Tempco systems, which may be installed in an additional 500 PFE cars. The systems permit precise temperature control, increase a car's lading capacity.
The challenge of technology  p.40
Technological change on the railroads was the subject of a high-level conference last week at Northwestern University. The role of management, labor and the regulators in putting technology to work on the rails was thoroughly (and critically) discussed.
What containers need now p.43
To reach full potential, containerization must solve problems involving standardization, labor, development costs and coordination between various transport modes.
Washington eyes merger moves  p.51
The ICC is investigating NYC and C&0 purchases of B&O stock. The Justice Department, meanwhile, is studying antitrust aspects of several merger drives.
The Action Page-Why the 'hush, hush?'  p.54
The Presidential commission on railroad working rules will work in executive session-that is, with press and public excluded. This procedure invites failure of the commission's purpose.

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