Railway Age 1961 February 13 Weekly C&NW Reading GATC

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Railway Age 1961 February 13 Weekly C&NW Reading GATC
Railway Age Weekly February 13 1961 Vol 150 No 7
Featherbed' study under way P. 9
The Presidential commission on railroad working rules heard opening statements from both sides last week. There was no immediate decision as to whether former Labor Secretary Mitchell will continue as chairman.
Cover Story-Winters hit traffic revenues harder now p. 14
The record-breaking snow and ice storms that have swept eastern areas in recent weeks have dealt a severe blow to railroads, both in out-of-pocket costs and lost traffic. Weather-induced industry shutdowns appear to be more frequent today than in the past.
Cover Story-Reading uses teamwork to boost sales p.18
In December, Reading President Gangewere told an ASME meeting in New York about a program called "Operation Bootstrap." Here's a detailed report on how the road's employees are teaming up with management to improve arid sell service.
C&NW wants 20,000 more commuters p.24
The road, which operated its suburban service in the black in 1959, intends to keep it that way. To get more daily riders the road has been aggressively merchandising its modern commuter equipment and improved service.
GATC builds new car for hauling chemicals p.33
The special car was built for and at the request of the chemical industry. It's for handling various synthetic resins and other free-flowing solids.
Palletizing helps roadmasters p.34
Unitized loading and scheduled shipping now get track shims to C&NW roadmasters when the shims are needed. The shims arrive in usable shape, too.
ERPC: 'Emancipation program' p. 36
Eastern railroads, trying to fight their way out of the "nightmare world of government control," have unveiled a new legislative program calling for, among other things, a National User Charge Commission and anti-tax-discrimination laws.
Rock Island accounting gets forward look p.40
The road's accounting function is more and more becoming a starting point for improving performance, efficiency and economy. New territory is being opened up in a long-neglected field : cost research.
AIEE hears railroad papers  p. 43
Topics covered at the institute's recent meeting in New York included automatic train operation, the benefits of electric traction, diesel-electric locomotive design, and monorail trains.
ICC concerned by shrinking car fleet  p.50
In its annual report to Congress, the Commission noted that not only is the total number of freight cars dwindling, but car utilization "leaves much to be desired."
The Action Page: Ideas - apply them now p.56
Suggestions for improvement are valuable only to the degree that they are actually put to work. The railroad industry should not scatter its fire. Instead, effort should be concentrated on three or four well-conceived programs to improve railroad performance and profitability.

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