Railway Age 1960 November 14 Weekly Automated transit NYCTA crewless train
Railway Age Weekly November 14 1960 Vol 149 No 20
WP favors Santa Fe control p. 9
Formally endorsing the ATSF position, as opposed to SP's bid, WP directors say an association with the Santa Fe would best serve the interests of shareholders, employees and the public.
ICC revamping recommended p.10
Changes recommended by two study groups-one sponsored by the Bureau of the Budget, the other by the Commission itself-would expedite and simplify ICC procedures.
Hotbox detector report: 87% efficient p.18
The detector, first one installed on the Erie-Lackawanna, is about 65 miles east of Buffalo, N.Y. It and its associated alarm equipment is made by General Electric. The detector can check journals on cars moving 6 to 60 mph.
New N&W hoppers to cut costs p.23
The road's Roanoke shop is turning out the first 85-ton hopper cars built in the U.S. The car is an elongated version of the 70-ton car adopted as an AAR alternate standard.
What's happening to crossties? p.31
Most track maintenance officers responding to a recent questionnaire said their general tie condition hasn't deteriorated in the last 10 years.
New York awaits first 'crewless' train p.40
The train will begin revenue service in about 51/2 to 6 months, says the chairman of the New York City Transit Authority. But, officers of the Transport Workers Union have said the TWU "will fight the destruction of mass transportation in NYC as a result of unbridled automation."
Needed: 'Total transport' research p.44
A just-published report emanating from a conference of leading transportation men suggests the creation of a research program in which government and all modes of transport would participate. Such a program would "lead to the improvement of the composite transport function."
The Action Page-Dear Mr. Kennedy p.50
Government, by acting as a kind of one-eyed arbiter on transportation issues, has helped nudge the railroads into their present precarious situation. The new Administration can show its mettle by taking immediate steps to insure the strong, well-rounded transport network that is vital to the American economy.
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