Railway Age 1960 December 19 / 26 Weekly Freight traffic issues

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Railway Age 1960 December 19 / 26 Weekly Freight traffic issues
Railway Age Weekly December 19/26 1960 Vol 149 No 25  
REA plans TOFC trailer pool  P. 9
REA Leasing Corp. will come into being Jan. 1. It will acquire highway trailers and containers and operate a national piggyback trailer interchange pool.
C&O claims victory in B&O contest  p.10
Over 53% of B&0's voting stock has been offered in exchange for C&0 shares, according to the C&0. That figure could be reduced, if B&0 shareholders exercise their option of changing their minds within the next 30 days; or it could be increased when the count is completed.
Cover Story-Shippers favor compulsory arbitration  p.13
Binding arbitration of railway labor disputes before they reach the strike stage was favored 3-to-1 by respondents to this month's Traffic Poll. Many shippers said they favor compulsory arbitration because of repeated strikes and strike threats this year.
Cover Story-How railroads fight lading damage  p.17
Impact-absorbing draft gears, special devices that brace lacing, and underframes for cushioning are principal weapons in the industry's campaign to trim lading losses. Here's a Railway Age Special Report on a $100-million-a-year problem.
Cover Story-CNR declares war on L&D  p.38
The road is using data processing equipment in what it calls an analytical approach to prevention of loss and damage claims. The approach is designed to let prevention forces concentrate their attack where it will do the most good.
Whitten outlines cost theory  p.48
A C&O officer's new theory of transportation cost-finding represents a "rather complete departure from many of the concepts now held about railroad and other transport costs."
The Action Page-What formula for rates?  p.54
Railroad rates are slowly being revised to conform to present competitive conditions in the transportation market. Revision would come quickly if the three parties-railroads, customers and regulators-could see eye to eye on the pattern to be followed.

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