Railway Age 1960 August 29 Weekly Freight traffic issue SOO upgrades box cars
Railway Age Weekly August 29 1960 Vol 149 No 9
Work rules dispute 'explored' p. 9
Secretary of Labor Mitchell has held separate meetings with brotherhood chiefs and railroad officers, giving rise to reports that a break in the case-possibly involving a compromise agreement on a study commission-may be near.
Traffic Poll-Railroads to 'stay competitive' p.12
A special survey of rail traffic executives indicates that they hope to increase revenues to balance higher operating costs by: 1) More emphasis on competitive rates; and 2) upward adjustment of charges now on a "below cost" level.
Cover Story-Stapled liner upgrades cars p,22
Using "Steel-Corr" panels, applied with Bostitch staplers, the Soo Line is relining box cars quickly, at an average material cost of $24 per car.
Cover Story-General Foods wants reliability p.24
"We don't want deliveries to our customers to be a day behind-or a day ahead. We want them on schedule, 90% of the time or more." That's General Foods Corporation's transportation philosophy, which it follows itself and works closely with its carriers to maintain.
How to keep industrial railroads safe-Parts II and III p.37
Grade crossing and yard track safety are covered in these excerpts from papers prepared for the benefit of industrial policyholders of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company.
PRR uses flashing markers p.42
Good results are reported from tests of highway barricade flashing lights in lieu of conventional oil lamps for train markers. Both crews and company like the new units
RSPA panel airs service standards p.50
Railroad management must look to its customers to determine what elements of service are important-but, after the elements are established, adherence to them must be stimulated from the top, through a corporate, not departmental, approach.
Southern fights ACL-SAL merger p.58
The proposed consolidation would, in the Southern's view, result in "unprecedented domination" of an entire territory. Should it win ICC approval, Southern wants to purchase ACL's 33% interest in the L&N and to acquire its own line into Jacksonville, Fla., and Tampa.
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