Railway Age 1960 August 15 Weekly Progress report SP D&RGW 125 ton container ato

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Railway Age 1960 August 15 Weekly Progress report SP D&RGW 125 ton container ato
Railway Age Weekly August 15 1960 Vol 149 No 7
Guaranteed rates called illegal  p. 9
An ICC examiner, while expressing admiration for the railroads' efforts to hold and regain traffic through rate innovations, has nevertheless advised the Commission that the guaranteed-rate principle in general-and the Soo Line rate in particular-don't "meet the tests of legality." He contends that such rates violate the Interstate Commerce, Elkins and Sherman Antitrust Acts.
Cover Story-Coming: atomic 'ash' container  p.14
Increasing use of nuclear energy in utility plants and naval vessels poses a problem : how to transport radioactive spent fuel efficiently and safely? Specialized containers are one answer, and engineers at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory have now designed such a unit for rail service.
Congo rails in turmoil  p. 16
Railroads are still operating in the Congo, but a breakdown could occur any day. Most rail lines feed into river ports in a transport system which might best be called "leisurely." Railway Age obtained this eyewitness report last week.
Cover Story-Hydraulics: progress report on SP, D&RGW p.20
The first diesel-hydraulic locomotives for U.S. roads are under construction in Germany, slated for delivery in early 1961. Here's the latest report on what the six 4,000-hp units will look like, and present plans for placing the new power in service.
TOFC to Tokyo, on one waybill  p.33
U. S. Freight has instituted rail-sea-highway container service between the U. S. and Japan on a regular basis. Only one bill of lading is involved.
Cover Story-New MP line to tap Ozark ore  p.35
Bethlehem Steel and St. Joseph Lead Companies have teamed up to develop huge iron ore deposits in Southeast Missouri -and the Missouri Pacific is building a 28-mile branch line to handle the estimated 100 cars a day the mine operation will produce. Total cost of the new rail line is around $4 million.
'Do-it-yourself' costing  p.38
The traffic officer who developed a simple costing method to determine out-of-pocket costs on specific movements of carload freight (RA, May 30, p. 32), has revised his figures to conform with suggestions from other cost experts. His new calculation shows substantially lower terminal costs.
The Action Page-Switching costs too much  p.46
High unit terminal costs are offsetting, to a dangerous degree, the railroads' great economy in line-haul expense. By far the biggest terminal expense is switching. If switching efficiency could be improved 50%, railroads could go after a lot of traffic that they cannot now afford to compete for.

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