Railway Age 1957 December 23 /30 Weekly NP Tests new mechanical reefer Maine Cen
Railway Age Weekly December 23/30 1957 Vol 143 No 26
Union chief wants labor budgeting p. 8 Carroll charges that railroads make second-class citizens of maintenance-of-way employees. He wants opportunity for 52 weeks of work. But rejects guaranteed-annual-wage idea.
RR prosperity tied to new look for labor P. 9 Traditional outlooks handicap the railroad industry, says the Canadian National's O.M. Solandt. But he doesn't limit resistance to change to the brotherhoods. Many railroaders, he claims, are too satisfied with the status quo. Is this because their training and experience don't prompt them to visualize things as they might be?
Railroads and ICC bumble rate issues p.16 Politely, but straight to the point, Professor Ernest Williams places the blame where he sees it. Both the commission and the railroads have been ineffective, he says, in truck vs. rail rate cases. He thinks the railroads' own policies may have done them more harm than the ICC's actions.
Continuing OUTRAGE-Sauce for the goose story . p.17 How come full crew laws are still in effect in 16 states? Who needs them? Nobody tells the bus lines to man their cruisers with copilots. But is it any easier to steer along jam-packed highways than to run a train on tracks?
CTC on the Maine Central slashes costs p.19 Single tracking puts money in the bank. With savings on rail, ties, ballast, and labor, this road figures a 24-mile traffic control installation will mean a 32% annual return on its gross $660,000 cost.
How does your ad budget compare? p.20 Railroads spent $15 million in all forms of advertising in 1956. It looks like spending in 1957 comes pretty close to matching that. Here's a yardstick summary of how much the top rail advertisers put into which media.
What's new about this car? p.26 A prototype reefer has a center sill that serves as a fuel tank. It has a fused Fiberglas overlay on plywood to give a smooth, hard interior. It's got a 1,200 square foot evaporator coil. Pacific Car & Foundry thinks the 40-foot car's 2,530 cubic foot capacity makes it ideal for frozen food transport.
Now industry can tap a rich mining area p.28 Blasting through the north woods, the Canadian National overcame sub-zero weather, heavy snow, and unprecedented engineering problems to open up its new Chibougamau line.
The Action Page-Craft unions are on the spot p.42 Picture a Mike Quill taking over railway labor. Would that be progress? Anyway, it's time for the brotherhoods to develop a statesmanlike approach. It would be good for the industry-and good for labor. But the brothers should strengthen the craft unions.
Short and Significant
Fifth lubricator pack approved . . . Conditional approval status has been given by the AAR to the Journapak lubricator for unlimited application in cars in interchange. Okay was announced by Security Railway Products Company. Other units already approved include Miller, Redipak, Rolin, and Uni-Pak.
Joint rates with a trucker? . . . The idea is being given serious thought by one railroad. Plan would be to establish through rates and service between railroad and motor carrier, with each becoming an extension, traffic-wise, of the other. Significant element is the nature of the trucker: a common carrier, not a rail subsidiary.
Attack on commutation problems . . . was started by the Chicago & North Western last week. Aim is to weed out practices one spokesman called valuable only for their place in history. A new fare structure and fewer stations within Chicago are part of the plan. New commuter equipment-though on the drawing boards-isn't part of the program now.
Boston & Maine is withdrawing . . . from the mail-pay case. It has told the ICC it wants out in view of a separate mail-pay agreement it has reached with the Post Office Department. It's the first road to withdraw from the pending eastern case. Meanwhile, similar general cases in southern and western territories have been settled on compromise bases.
'Super Chief,' 'El Capitan' consolidation . . . can be started January 12, provided reservations don't warrant operation as separate trains. Santa Fe received authority from the Illinois Commerce Commission to combine the two luxury trains during slack periods of the year.
Freas is new ICC chairman... The former California PUC rate expert succeeds Owen Clarke at the commission's helm. The rotating, seniority appointment will be effective January 1.
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