Railway Age 1956 October 8 Is nuclear power practicable Reclaiming old ballast
Railway Age October 8 1956 Vol 141 No 16
RRs want a better rate of return . . . . . . and their current petition for a general freight-rate increase of 15%-from which several important lines have dissociated themselves-departs from recent general rate pleas which sought principally to offset increasing costs. If the rate of return is not improved, they say, railroads "will be unable to attract capital on reasonable terms ... and they will continue to fall back and lose place in the national economy." . . . . p. 7
Net income of Class I railroads . . . . . . In this year's first eight months totaled $500 million, a drop of $49 million below that reported for the comparable 1955. Rate of return for the twelve months ended with August averaged 3.99%, compared with 4.15% for the twelve months ended with August 1955. . . . p.8
FORUM: How to advertise . . . . . . is a problem that hasn't been reduced to a formula. For effective railroad public relations there is danger in being too general-in painting too rosy a picture-and there is danger in being too narrow-which usually means too late. There are some basic advertising principles that work better in steering true through stormy waters. . . . . p. 19
Is nuclear power practicable . . . . . . for locomotives? Theoretically yes, say the scientists, and they are full of interesting ideas for converting theory into practice. . . . . p. 20
Reclaiming old ballast . . . . . . isn't any unheard-of operation, but the PRR is doing it wholesale where some 200 miles of excess trackage is coming up, with imposing dollar savings. . . . p.22
More signaling . . . . . . and associated equipment, geared to the needs of today's railroads-that's the AAR Signal Section's prescription for delays, damage, and excessive man-hour charges. . . . p.24
Car line tests containers . . . . . . for handling meat under refrigeration, and first results are promising. . . . p.26
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