Railway Age 1956 October 22 How incentatives create salesmen Effective defense t

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Railway Age 1956 October 22 How incentatives create salesmen Effective defense t
Railway Age October 22 1956 Vol 141 No 18
Effective defense transportation . . . . . . can be most surely provided if peacetime regulations of the industry are greatly relaxed, UCLA Transportation Professor Harold Koontz told the NDTA at Salt Lake City last week. He set forth a three-point program to achieve "free responsible competition." . . . p.7
Handicaps to electrification . . . . . . will be eliminated if the progress in locomotive and motor design brought on with the diesel locomotive is combined with advances in vacuum tube current conversion and power transmission, J. W. Barriger told the Railway Systems & Procedures Association at Chicago. . . .  p. 8
FORUM: Time to think . . . . . . possibly is the biggest thing lacking in the railroad executive's budget. Fact is, it's so rare that a man who makes room for a bit of skull exercise is likely to be suspected of loafing or day-dreaming. Most of the men who should be thinking are too busy with chores to do it. First step for more net: more thinkers. p. 21
Controversy on freight car bearings . . . . . . continues as the Technical Advisory Committee of Solid Journal Bearing Manufacturers releases a study of bearing economics differing sharply as to figures and interpretations from the roller bearing proponents' views. . . . . p. 22
Maximum use of single track . . . . . . is the Seaboard's way of giving service in a growing territory. This is accomplished by traffic control covering all single main lines (i.e., most of the railroad), minimizing operation by timetable and train orders. . . . p.27
Pile drivers for any job . . . . . . have the versatility and capacity required on the Santa Fe.. . . p.30
Incentives produce salesmen . . . . . . instead of ticket sellers-to the profit of the employee and the employer. A Pullman Company test of this idea produced significant returns.. . . p.32
"Cocoon" car cuts costs . . . . . . for shippers of coil steel, and its builders believe it will enable railroads to win back such traffic that may be moving off-rail. . . . p.36

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