Railway Age 1956 October 15 Results of dual fuel test Longer runs for UP turbine

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RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railway Age 1956 October 15 Results of dual fuel test Longer runs for UP turbine
Railway Age October 15 1956 Vol 141 No 17
Longer runs for the UP's gas turbines . . . . . . are translated into more total mileage and a rising share of the UP freight traffic thanks to use of tenders with the fuel-j. hungry giants. Insulated tenders are converted steam units that: give turbines nearly 1,500-mile range. . . .  p. 7
FORUM: What is competition . . . . . . in transportation? The truckers would like to have you think in terms of competition in service, but that's because it's to their advantage not to have true competition in rates. If they could have their way in this respect, real competition soon would disappear altogether, because all the low-cost operators would be out of business. . . . p.23
Dual-fuel gives good results . . . . . . in tests on the SP, with the result that that road now has 52 road freight diesels in regular service using residual type fuel under load and the more expensive distillate type for idling. . . . p.24
Switching in both directions . . . . . . meets the Missouri Pacific's requirements best at Kansas City, and plans are ready for a new double-hump yard to do this job most efficiently. . . . p.28
Two-goal advertising . . . . . . is the Central of Georgia's way of attracting new industries to locate on property on its lines while at the same time building cordial and cooperative relations with the communities it serves. . . . . p. 30
COMING: Next week . . . . . . A study of the economics of plain bearings for freight cars.

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