Railway Age 1956 July 30 What's the life of a diesel? Custom tailored crane
Railway Age July 30 1956 Vol 141 No 5
Industry turns to the railroads ...... when it seeks new plant locations, relying on the roads to serve as "researchers" into many subjects, including availability of competing forms of transport. ERPC Chairman Mackie highlighted this increasingly important rail service in a speech at St. Louis July 24. . . . p. 7
Use of full costs in fixing . . . . . . competitive rates is insisted upon by the ICC, which has advised the House Interstate Commerce Committee that a carrier should not be permitted to put charges on an out-of-pocket basis to deprive shippers of the service of other carriers with lower full costs. . . . p. 8
FORUM: Selective rate changes . . . . . aren't at all irreconcilable with "across the board" increases that have to be made from time to time to meet general cost increases-such as higher material prices or wage hikes. The industry-wide change is an emergency measure, required to meet an immediate revenue need, while the "tailored" rate, based on cost studies and market analyses, is a device to meet specific competitive situations.
What's the life of a diesel? . . . . . . The answer, developed by relatively simple mathematics, comes out somewhat surprisingly to as short a period as 14 years-even less for some circumstances. Our contributor suggests that the railroads should prevail on the regulatory and taxing authorities to recognize this situation with more realistic depreciation formulas. . . . . p. 22
Roller bearings on freight cars . . . . . . will pay their way, says a new Timken study which shows an annual return of some 19% on the roller bearing investment, based on average performance of 16,200 car-miles per year per carp.26
A "custom-tailored" crane . . . . . which does the work of several specialized machines, on track and off track, is a handy thing to have around, say the Reading's maintenance people. . . . p.30
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