Railway Age 1956 July 2 Less slipping with less sand Conventional bridge-buildin
Railway Age July 2 1956 Vol 141 No 1
Top railroad officers of 1965. ..... "must be developed while they are still young in years, so they can bring the enthusiasm and energy and flexibility of youth to the level where policy decisions are made," says Donald J. Russell, Southern Pacific president. Industrywide awareness of the urgency of developing tomorrow's leaders now, and what representative railroads are doing about it, is the subject of a special Railway Age survey. . . . p.7
Too many "jaloppies" . . . . . . is how J. W. Barriger, Rock Island vice-president, describes the state of the nation's freight-car fleet. Addressing the annual meeting of the AAR Safety Section, Mr. Barriger called for raising the minimum interchange requirements for freight cars. . . p 8
FORUM: "Heads I win-tails you lose" ..... would be an apt title-page slogan for every ICC report about rates of railroads in competing with other transport media. The suggestion is based on the fact that the commission frequently prevents railroads from reducing rates to compete with barges and trucks, while it cannot prevent barges and trucks from reducing their charges to compete with railroads. . . . p.25
Facts about greater safety ...... at grade crossings-through use of modern, mechanized protection-ought to alter the stands of those communities which seem reluctant to join railroads' progressive plans for automatic installations to replace manual gates and watchmen. . . . p.26
Objection to single-tracking . . . ... short sections of double track, because trains had to slow up entering and leaving the single-track stretches, no longer holds. Using CTC, the Erie runs trains at maximum authorized speeds into and out of a 21.8-mi single-track section in Indiana--first of a series of projects planned for the main line between Marion, Ohio, and Hammond, Ind. . . . p.29
Lading cannot touch . . . . structural members on 350 open-top cars built by ACF Industries for carrying taconite ore on the Reserve Mining Company's 47-mile railroad between Babbitt, Minn., and Silver Bay on Lake Superior. Though tailored for a special service, the cars have design innovations applicable to freight cars generally. . . . p.30
Conventional bridge-building methods . . . . . . were by-passed when Chilean State Railways engineers replaced a 70-year-old span as part of a line improvement program. The new bridge was erected in two continuous sections, each 722 ft long, on opposite banks of a river, which were drawn out over the river until they were linked on a center pier. . . . p.32
Less slip with less sand . . . ... is the immediate result of an extensive Southern Pacific research program, which is still going on The road is already on the way to its predicted goal of an 83% reduction in sand consumption, which costs the SP about $450,000 a year. Another objective is to cut maintenance costs through reducing fouling of ballast. . . . p.34
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