Railway Age 1954 January 18 Weekly Does antifreeze destroy hoppers Piggyback rul
Railway Age January 18 1954 Vol 136 No 3
The St. Lawrence Seaway, backed by a Presidential request, is the first of a number of measures affecting transportation slated for consideration in the recently convened second session of the 83rd Congress. 8
"Piggyback" rules will be formulated by the I.C.C. 8
The outlook for rail transportation in 1954 is not as bad as it has been painted, C.S.D. Chairman Arthur H. Gass told the Atlantic States Shippers Board. 9
Another wage settlement has been reached-with the B. of L. F. & E.-on the same basis as that earlier agreed to by the trainmen's union. Other national wage cases were still pending as this issue went to press. 10
A railroad-Post Office "understanding" for a 10 per cent increase in mail pay-reported exclusively in Railway Age December 21, page 5-was submitted to the I.C.C. at a January 6 hearing. 12
FORUM: A $500-prize is offered for the best essay on the "inherent advantages" of railroad transportation, and the action necessary to give those advantages full effect. 13
Questions and answers: Further comment on "per diem runs." 14
New Haven rail laying is featured by installation of tie pads, to increase tie life. 18
Car inspectors use walkie-talkies for fast, reliable communication in the UP's Council Bluffs yard. 20
Does antifreeze destroy cars? The B&LE has tested the corrosive effect of calcium chloride applied to coal and ore shipments. 22
"Mothballing" 4,500 old passenger cars, and buying new one for present service, has been suggested by Defense Transport Administrator James K. Knudson. 27
"Death Valley Scotty"-Walter E. Scott for whom
the Santa Fe operated the "Coyote Special" nearly half a century ago, died at his home in Stovepipe Wells, Cal., January 5. In July 1905, the "Coyote," perhaps the best-known single train ever run in America, covered the 2,265 miles from Los Angeles to Chicago in 44 hr., 54 min.-over 13 hr. better than the best previous time, and a record that stood unbeaten for the next 25 years.
"Piggyback" transportation of mail is reportedly being given a quiet tryout between New York and Boston. The Post Office department figures, it is said, that it may save time and cut handling costs.
The possibility of acquiring control of the Central of Georgia is being actively considered by the Frisco, President Clark Hungerford has told Railway Age in an exclusive interview. "The Frisco has made no offer but is studying the potential value of the CofG to the Frisco system, for the purpose of determining whether an offer should be made and what the offer should be," he said. This report follows rumors that the present controlling McGinnis interests are looking for possible buyers of the CofG.
California's earthquake on January 12 caused little or no damage to the railway plant there. A check of Western Pacific, Southern Pacific and Santa Fe sources revealed that none of those roads experienced any damage or delay to services.
Clichof the international variety seem to appeal to the "trucking industry." When states were enacting vehicle size and weight laws to save their highways from destruction, the truckers' propaganda had much to say about "Balkanizing." In like vein, the state ton-mile tax is now being referred to as a "Chinese Wall."
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