Railroad Model Craftsman Magazine 1990 November B&O early days Kitbash small coa
Railroad Model Craftsman 1990 November
6 Notes on an Old Timetable
Editorial-Harold H. Carstens
8 Safety Valve
Letters from our readers
18 Dispatchers report
Product and industry news
30 RMC Timetable
Scheduled events and notices
105 Test Track
Product reviews
128 Collector Consist
-Batteries not included by Keith Wills
130 Editors Notebook
Commentary-William C. Schaumburg
137 Classified Advertising
Commercial listings
137 Exchange Place
Non-commercial listings
138 Dealer Directory
Recommended hobby dealers
145 Advertising Index
Special features
58 Perspective: Realignment by Robert E. Mohowski
Railroad right-of-way realignments can offer a curious blend of old and new technologies.
68 The Buckhorn Mines Railroad by Art Mitchell
Come along for a ride in the cab on this HOn30" mining railroad.
60 Four for the road by David Hussey
Not all GP40-2's are alike, so when the author set out to model a pair for the Rio Grande and a pair for the SP he first examined and photographed the prototypes.
73 Easy C&NW-type waycar by Art Danz
An MDC caboose provides an almost-instant model.
77 CP Rail's bathtub gondolas by Patrick Lawson
The CP uses these cars in unit train service to haul coal from the mountains of British Columbia to a port on the Pacific. Here is how the author kitbashed a fleet of them in HO using a Juneco kit.
80 Another tree article? Yes, but you pick these by Bill Henderson
These good looking background trees are made from weeds.
82 Building a mainline coaling tower by John Swanson
With some kitbashing, an IHC kit of the D&RGW's narrow gauge Chama coaling tower can be enlarged to take on a more substantial and generic standard gauge look.
85 Protofile 59: CB&Q 3,500 cubic-foot Dry Flohopper by Charles Derus
The author kitbashed this car using a pair of Eastern Car Works HO models.
99 RMC/Dremel Kitbashing Award: Modeling a Washington Branch train by Franklin Doeringer
It is possible to kitbash a B&O train of the 1840's using a Bachmann engine and cars.
90 Historical Modeling: the B&O's Washington Branch by Franklin Doeringer
Historical modeling offers a host of challenges and interesting modeling possibilities. This month we'll look at some of them as we examine a B&O branch of the 1840s.
102 Heritage Mercantile by Julian Cavalier
Here are plans for a typical wooden country store.
All pictures are of the actual item. There may be reflection from the lights in some photos. We try to take photos of any damage. If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad. Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.
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