Railroad Curves and Earthwork with tables By Frank Allen Copyright 1889-1920

  • $40.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Railroad Curves and Earthwork with tables By Frank Allen Copyright 1889-1920
Railroad Curves and Earthwork with tables By Frank Allen
Copyright 1889-1910 Notice discoloration around some edges
293 Pages
Fourth EDITION revised


1. Operations in location             1

2. Reconnoissance             1

3. Nature of examination             1

4. Features of topography           2

5. Purposes of reconnoissance   3

6. Elevations, how taken 3

7. Pocket instruments used         4

8. Importance of reconnoissance          5


9. Nature of preliminary   6

10. Grades    6

11. Importance of low grades     7

12. Pusher grades 7

13-14. Purposes of preliminary 8

15. Nature    9

16. Methods            9

17. Backing up         10

18. Notes      11

19. Organization of party 11

20. Locating engineer       11

21. Transitman ; also form of notes      12

22. Head chainman           13

23. Stakeman          13

24. Rear chainman 14

25. Back flag             14

26. Axeman  14

27. Leveler ; also form of notes  14

28. Rodman 15

29. Topographer     16

30. Preliminary by stadia  17


31. Nature of "location"   18

32. First method     18

33. Second method           19

34. Long tangents   19

35. Tangent from broken line of preliminary 19

36. Method of staking out location      


37. Definitions          20

38. Measurements 2020

39. Degree of curve            21

40-41. Formulas for degree and radius            21

42. Approximate method 22

43. Tangent distance T     22

44. Approximate method 23

45. External distance E     23

46. Middle ordinate M      23

47. Chord C  24

48. Formulas for R and D in terms of T, E, M, C, I      24

49. Sub-chord c      24

50. Sub-angle d       26

51. Length of curve L         27

52. Method of deflection angles            27

53. Example; application to parabola   27-28

54-55. Deflection angles for simple curves     29

56. Field-work          30

57. Example 30

58. Caution  3

59. Field-work when curve cannot be laid out from P.C.    31

60. Second method           32

61. Field-work of finding P.C. and P.T  33

62. Example 33

63. Form of transit book for curves       34

64. Curves with metric system    35

65. Circular arcs, with example  36

66. Method of offsets from the tangent           37

67. Field-work         37

68. Deflection distances, with field-work         38

69. Approximate computation of offsets         39

70. Offsets between two curves             39

71. Deflection distances for curve beginning with sub-chord       40

72. Example 40

73. Approximate solution of right triangles    41

74. Field-work for method of deflection distances   41

75. Caution  42

76. Deflection distances when first sub-chord is short       42

77-78. Middle ordinates    43

79. Ordinate at any point              43

80. Middle ordinate, approximate formula    44

81. Example 44

82-83. Any ordinate, approximate formulas 41 15

84. Example 45

85. Find a series of points by middle ordinates         46

86-88. Substitute new curves to end in parallel tangents 46-48

89-90. Curve to join tangents and pass through given point         48-49

91-92. Find where curve and given line intersect     49-50

93. Approximate method 50

94. Find tangent from curve to given point    50

95. Approximate method             51

96-99. Obstacles in cases of curves      52-53


100. Definitions       54

101. Field-work       54

102. Data       55

103. Given Rt, Rs, It, Is; required I, Ti, Ts          55

104. Given Ts, Rs, Rt, I; required Is, It, Ti          56

105. Given Ts, Rs, Is, I; required It, Ti, Rt          56

106. Given Ti, Ts, Rs, I; required It, Is, Rt          56

107. Given Ti, RI, Rs, I; required h, It, Ts           57

108. Given Ti, Rt, It, I; required Is, Ts, Rs         57

109. Given Ti, Ts, RI, I; required Is, It, Rs           57

110. Given, long chord, angles, and Rs; required It, L, I, Rt . 58

111. Given, long chord, angles, and Rr; required II, L, I, R., .          58

112. Substitute for simple, a compound curve to end in parallel tangent          58

113. Example           59

114. Change P.C.C. so as to join parallel tangent       60

115. Substitute for simple, a symmetrical curve with flattened ends      61

116. Substitute curve with flattened ends to pass through middle point           62

117. Substitute simple curve for curves with connecting tangent 63


118. Use of reversed curves         64

119-122. Between parallel tangents, common radius         64-65

123-124. Between parallel tangents, unequal radii 65-66

125-126. Find II, 72, 7'2 when I, TI, RI, R2 are given 66-67

127-128. Find common radius to connect tangents not paralle1.67-68


129. Use of parabolic curves       69

130. Properties of the parabola 69

131. Lay out parabola by offsets from tangent          70

132. Field-work      71

133. Parabola by middle ordinates       72

134. Vertical curves, where used            72

135. Method for vertical curve 200 feet long             73

136. General method        74

137. Example           76

138. To find proper length of vertical curve   76


139. Definitions       77

140. Find frog angle from number of frog       78

141-142. Description of split switch      79

142. Find radius of turnout for split switch     80

143. Radius of turnout for split switch and straight frog    81

144. Turnout beyond frog            82

145. Methods of connecting parallel tracks by turnouts    82-83

146-148. Formulas for simple cases     83-84

149. Reference curve         85

150. Comparison of radii, reference curve and split switch            86

151-152. Additional cases of parallel tangents with turnouts       88-89

153-154. Formulas for a series of parallel tracks      90

155. Examples          91

156. Crotch frog for split switches         92

157. Modified reference curve defined           92

158. Radius for modified reference curve inside       93

159. Approximate formula for above    94

160-161. Modified reference curve outside   95-96

161. Example of case § 161          96

162. Bending process described 97

163. Find radius of turnout curve from frog to parallel curved track outside ; also approximate method        98-99

164. Example of precise method           99

165. Example of approximate method             100

166. Radius of turnout curve from frog to parallel curved track inside  100

167. Special case of turnout outside     101

168. Cross-over between parallel curved tracks        101

169. Stub switch described          102

170-171. Stub switch formulas, including crotch frog         103


172. Definition        104

173. Main track tangent, "Y" track curved, and turnout curved    104

174. Main track tangent, ." Y" curved, turnout curved with tangent       105

175-176. Main track tangent and curve " Y " curved, turnout curved     106

177. Crossing of tangent and curve       107

178. Crossing of two curves         108


179. Necessity for; also elevation of outer rail          109

180. Equations for cubic parabola and cubic spiral  110-111

181. Discussion of character of easement curves      111

182. Deflection, angles, spiral angles, and properties of spirals 112

183. Values of y in terms of 1 and Rc    113

184. Values of p and q in terms of x, y, Re, and se    113

185. Tangent distances, with example             114-115

186. Laying out when Dc and p are given, with example    116-117

187-188. Laying out when D, and 1,, are given ; also field-work 118

189. Laying out cubic spiral by offsets, with example          119

190-191. Deflection angles from intermediate points         120-121

192. Spirals for compound curves         122

193. Example ; also field-work    123

194-196. Substitution of curve and spiral for simple curve..124-126


197. Data      127

198. What stakes and how marked       127

199. Method of finding rod reading for grade            128

200. Example           129

201. Cut or fill at center   129

202. Side stake for level section             130

203-206. Side stakes when surface is not level         130-132

207. Slope-board or level-board            132

208-210. Keeping the notes         133

211-212. Form of note-book      134-135

213. Cross-sections; where taken          136

214-215. Passing from cut to fill 136-137

216. Opening in embankment    137

217. General level notes  137

218-21. Level, three-level„ five-level, irregular sections      138


222. Principal methods used       139

223. Averaging end areas 139   

224. Kinds of cross-sections specified  140

225. Level cross-section    140

226. Three-level section    141

227. Three-level section; second method        142

228. Five-level section       143

229. Irregular section         143

230. Planimeter       144

231. Comment on end area formula    144

232. Prismoidal formula   144

233. Prismoidal formula for prisms, wedges, pyramids       145

234. Nature of regular section of earthwork  146

235-237. Prismoidal formula applied where upper surface is warped   146-148

238. Wide application of prismoidal formula 148

239-240. Prismoidal correction 149-150

241. Where applicable; also special case        151

242. Correction for pyramid       152

243. Correction for five-level sections  152

244-245. Correction for irregular sections      152-153

246. Value of prismoidal correction     153

247. Method of middle areas     154

248. Method of equivalent level sections        154

249. Method of mean proportionals    154

250. Henck's method        154

251. Formula            155

252-254. Example  156-157

255-256. Comment on Henck's and end area methods      157-158

257-263. Example comparing the various methods              158


264. Correction for curvature      159

265. Correction where chords are less than 100 feet          161

266. Correction of irregular sections    161

267. Opening in embankment     162

268. Borrow-pits     164

269. Truncated triangular prism            164

270. Truncated rectangular prism         165

271. Assembled prisms     167

272. Additional heights     168


273. Formula for use in tables     170

274. Arrangement of table           171

275. Explanation of table              171

276-277. Example of use, including prismoidal correction table 172

278. Prismoidal correction applied for section less than 100 feet 173

279. Tables, where published      173

280. Tables of triangular prisms 173

281. Where published       173

282. Arrangement of tables of triangular prisms      174

283. Example of use          175

284-285. Application to irregular sections      176


286-287. Method of diagrams    177

288. Forms of equations available for straight lines 178

289. Method of use of diagrams             178

290-291. Computations and table for diagram of prismoidal correction            179

292. Diagram for prismoidal correction and explanation of construction         180

293. Explanation and example of use    182

294. Table of triangular prisms  182

295-298. Computations and table for diagram of three-level sections  183

299-300. Checks upon computations    187

301. Explanation of diagram ; also curve of level section   187

302. Use of diagram for three-level sections  188

303. Comment on rapidity by use of diagrams          189

304. Special use to find prismoidal correction for irregular sections       189


305. Definition and measure of haul     190

306-307. Length of haul, how found     190

308. Formula for center of gravity of a section          191

309-310. Formula deduced         192

311. Formula modified for use with tables or diagrams     194

312. For section less than 100 feet        194

313. For series of sections           195


314. Definition        196

315. Table and method of computation           196

316. Mass diagram and its properties  198

317. Graphical measure of haul explained       199

318. Application to mass diagram          201

319. Further properties     201

320. Mass diagram; showing also borrow and waste          203

321. Profitable length of haul     203

322-323. Example of use of diagram    205

324. Effect of shrinkage on mass diagram       206

325. Discussion of overhaul         206

326. Treatment of overhaul by mass diagram           207



Reconnaissance, preliminary and location surveys, simple curves, compound curves, reversed curves, parabolic curves, turnouts, connecting tracks and crossings, spiral easement curve, setting stakes for earthwork, methods of computing earthwork, special problems in earthwork, earthwork tables, earthwork diagrams, haul, mass diagram, more.   
This book was prepared for the use of the students in the author's classes. It has been used in lithographed sheets for a number of years in very nearly the present form, and has given satisfaction sufficient to suggest putting it in print. An effort has been made to have the demonstrations simple and direct, and special care has been given to the arrangement and the typography, in order to secure clearness and conciseness of mathematical statement. Much of the material in the earlier part of the book is necessarily similar to that found in one or more of several excellent field books, although the methods of demonstration are in many cases new. This will be found true especially in Compound Curves, for which simple treatment has been found quite possible. New material will be found in the chapters on Turnouts and on " Y" Tracks and Crossings. The Spiral Easement Curve is treated originally. The chapters on Earthwork are essentially new; they include Staking Out; Computation, directly and with Tables and Diagrams; also Haul, treated ordinarily and by Mass Diagram. Most of the material relating to Earthwork is not elsewhere readily available for students' use.
The book has been written especially to meet the needs of students in engineering colleges, but it is probable that it will be found useful by many engineers in practice. The size of page allows it to be used as a pocket book in the field. It is difficult to avoid typographical and clerical errors; the author will consider it a favor if he is notified of any errors found to exist.

All pictures are of the actual item.  There may be reflection from the lights in some photos.   We try to take photos of any damage.    If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad.  Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.

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