Railfan & Railroad Magazine 2000 September Classic diesels over donner Reading &
Railfan & Railroad September 2000
6 Abandonment Plans for Camas Prairie by Bruce Kelly
The short line is set to discontinue service on its namesake branch.
28 Classic Diesels Over Donner by Steve Schmollinger
A colorful look at Southern Pacific and Amtrak operations over the legendary mountain pass in the early 1970s.
36 Reading & Northern's Lehigh Line by Peter McGilligan
Unwanted by Conrail, the former Lehigh Valley/Jersey Central main through the Lehigh Gorge finds new life under Reading & Northern.
43 Milwaukee 261 On the Road by Bob Gallegos
The 4-8-4 steams up for Chicago-Galesburg excursions.
44 The Chehalis-Centralia Railroad Association by Kurt Anders
A determined group gets steam excursions rolling in Washington State.
In Focus/news-features
8 Photography Field Day at Monticello by Steve Barry
21 Camera "Portholes" on Overpasses by James Olmstead
54 NYC Lives On at the Danbury Railway Museum by Steve Barry
4 Publisher's Desk/commentary by Hal Carstens
9 Timetable/railfan events guide
16 Fanmail/letters from readers
18 The Engineer's Seat/life in the cab by Thomas D. Dressler
22 Railroadiana/product news and reviews
23 Videos/videotape reviews
25 Railfanning Ishumor
26 Railnews/news stories and photos
50 Book Depot/railroad book mart
52 On The Menu/dining by rail bylames Porterfield
53 Railfun/cartoon by Curt Katz
53 Camera Bag/guide to railfan photography by Jim Boyd
55 Lineside Legacy/preservation news by Jeff Terry
58 Transit Currents/transit news by George M. Smerk
60 Museum & Tourist Line Directory
62 Markers/editorial commentary
63 Advertising Index/the railfan marketplace
65 Final Frame
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