Progressive Railroading 1995 September Cover damage Railroaders connect Capacity
Progressive Railroading 1995 September Cover damage- torn along the uper edge
51 Mechanical experts, RSA gathering again in Chicago
Mechanical department people meet to share information and ideas
59 Short lines set for Twin Cities annual meeting
Hundreds of smaller companies to gather for meetings, exhibition
63 Roadmasters, B&B convene in Minneapolis
Conference theme: "Using Technologies in Maintenance Management"
71 Louisville to welcome signal & communications people
Technical information, supplier feedback major part of confab
81 APTA Annual Meeting heads southwest to San Antonio Transit people will sample multi-cultural environment
89 Capacity for Growth: Part 3
Has the rail industry reached its current capacity limits?
Not if railroaders develop new operating strategies
99 Signal ground protection solves lightning problem Special grounding guards electronic equipment
107 CN tunnel vision on target
St. Clair River tunnel dramatically boosts volume, especially intermodal
110 Data acquisition system aids AAR field tests
By acquiring multiple data types from each measurement, the system enabled AAR researchers to collect more data
113 Lifting device solves heavy problem for MK Rail
A bottom-mount slide device helps MK Rail mount 840-lb. air conditioners into its new LNG switchers
117 Partnering speeds building of crucial New York rail link Oak Point Link clears tough hurdles
123 Internal, external safety efforts paying off for BN
The keys: increased budgets, more employee involvement and outside assistance
127 Hydraulic track wrench keeps frog, crossing bolts tight
IC solves ongoing bolt-loosening problems on main line
130 Stake test providing new data on wood ties, treatments w Mississippi State University spearheads R & D effort
132 LIRR battles fall slippage with traction gel
Critical delays reduced in morning rush hours
134 Inside Transit
UP shouts "All aboard!"
by Frank Malone
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