Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 September Colin Powell Winners

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RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 September Colin Powell Winners
Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 September Colin Powell Winners
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings is published monthly. Cover: The Navy's newest carrier, Harry S. Truman (CVN-75), takes shape at Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock (Photo By Lieutenant Scott Allen, USN). This issue highlights many Naval Aviation issues-see pages 32-53 and pages 87-88.
32 We Don't Need Jaeger Air
By Major T. C. Moore, USMC
It's old wine in a new bottle; many naval aviators already fly the supporting arms mission.
37 Prowler Goes Joint
By Captain Guy R. Hooper, USAF But who will fly and support it?
40 Joint Strike Fighter Update
By David Fulghum
In this competition, the winner will win big; the losers could be out of business
41 F/A-18Es/Fs Fly at Patuxent River Interview with Jerry Daniels and Bill Norman They are on target and on the money.
46 John Has To Do It Because Jane Can't
By Captain Phillipe D. Rogers, USMC
48 F-14D Exploits Passive Sensors By Lieutenant Commander John Wood, USN
The Super Tomcat gets new claws.
50 Helicopters Meet Surface Littoral Warfare Challenge By Rear Admiral Ray Walsh, USN (Ret.), and Captain Brian V.
Buzzell, USN (Ret.)
The armed helicopter has a surgeon's touch.
54 Through a Glass Darkly
By Captain Charles E. Pehl, USNR
Before we climb aboard, let's be sure the bandwagon is going our way.
58 The Ghost of Rebel Torpedoes
By Lieutenant Commander John F. Whalen, USNR Mining will haunt us until tankers sprout
64 Not All That Far Apart
By Lieutenant Colonel James G. Zumwalt, USMCR Former enemies can share common beliefs.
65 The Next 150 Years Begin
By Admiral Charles R. Larson, USN The longest journey begins with the first step.
70 The Revolution Is Incomplete By Colonel Mark Cancian, USMCR True jointness is up to the CinCs.
74 Voodoo Logistics Sink Triphibious Warfare By Commander Terry C. Pierce, USN
If the logistician can't support it, even the best.

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