Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 June Subs and Submarine Issues

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Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 June Subs and Submarine Issues
Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 June  Subs and Submarine Issues
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings is published monthly. Cover: June covers submarine roles from the sea to the cinema. See "Diesel Boats Again?" p. 13; "Undersea Warfare Is Team Warfare," pp. 48-49; and "Filming Das Boot," pp. 62-67. Cover photo: USS Boise (SSN-764) by G. Mathieson.
7Our Sailors & Marines Are Ready
By Admiral Mike Boorda, USN
The Naval Institute's President delivered his final address to the members.
30 No Time to Rest
By Commander Gerard D. Roncolato, USN
We must beat back the Peacetime Syndrome.
35 Combating Stress
By Colonel Bruce Ogden, USMC (Retired), and
Robert A. Wehrle
The names for it may change, but stress is common to all wars-and their aftermath.
38 Warrior Friendly
By Rear Admiral Leonard F. Picotte, USN (Retired), and Captain Maurice Gauthier, USN
The LPD-17 can be so, if the warriors take part in the design process.
42 The Network Force
By Commander Mark Tempestilli, USN
It's time to organize for Information Warfare.
68 The Neglected Dimension of Leadership
By Captain James H. Anderson, USMCR
Sometimes, it's hard to be humble, but obstinacy often is a symptom of fatal arrogance.
70 We Owe Them Honor
By Lieutenant Thomas P. Mayhew, USNR
We owe it to those who showed us the way, and to the shipmates we serve with today.
48 Undersea Warfare Is TEAM
By Lieutenant Commander Jim Shannon, USN
... with air, surface, and subsurface dimensions.
50 U.S. Naval Aircraft and Weapon Developments: The Budget
By Floyd D. Kennedy, Jr.
Read the numbers and weep.
54 Navigating the Balkan Crisis
By Commander J. Bruce Hamilton, USN
To find our way through, we must revisit the region's harsh history.
62 Filming Das Boot
By Captain Hans-Joachim Krug, German Navy (Retired) How to compress a 600-page novel into a movie.
89 Flying the JPATS Winner-
The Beech Mk II
By Lieutenant Colonel Brendan Greeley, USMC (Retired) Kick the tires and light the fire, with the Naval Institute's resident flight tester.
72 The Challenges and Pitfalls of Peacetime Leadership
By Lieutenant Martha S. Dunne, USN
Maintaining motivation is the key.
74 The Ultimate Micromanager
By Captain Drew Doolin, USMC
... sometimes turns out to be the ultimate teacher.

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