Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 August Carrier Bomber Debate

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RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 August Carrier Bomber Debate
Proceedings Magazine US Naval Institute 1996 August Carrier Bomber Debate
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings is published monthly. Cover: The debate over the relative values of carriers and land-based bombers continues to rage-see "Bomber Debates" (pp. 34-36) and "Carriers Are Forward Presence"
(pp. 37-39). The issue of whether photos lie is illustrated by the manipulated cover-B-2 (Northrup Grumman Corp.) and USS George Washington (CVN-69) (Yogi Kaufman)-and discussed on pp. 47-49.
28 Fighting the Beast
By Commander Kaj Toft Madsen, Royal Danish Navy Modern nonnuclear subs with improved homing torpedoes present a formidable threat; don't make it easy for them.
32 The Cult of Captivity
By Lieutenant Colonel Elliott Gruner, USA
Our cultural response to POW and hostage situations makes captives of us all.
34 Bomber Debates
By Lieutenant Colonel Gene Myers, USAF (Ret.)
All elements of our national air power are necessary; some are more necessary than others.
37 Carriers Are Forward Presence
By Captain Robert F. Johnson, USN (Ret.)
None of the alternatives can match their flexibility.
40 The Changing of the Guard
By Commander W. Russell Webster, USCG
The old KGB Maritime Border Guards are trying on white hats.
43 The New War Plan Orange
By Lieutenant Commander Scott Allen, USN (Ret.)
As our stabilizing influence weakens in the Pacific, can we avoid setting up another Pearl Harbor?
47 Do Photos Lie?
By Dennis Brack
They can-unless we move to stop the manipulation of images.
50 Deterrence Then & Now
By Commander Alan Zimm, USN (Ret.)
We must take our thinking well beyond the old balance of terror.
55 Tomorrow's Fleet-Part II
By Scott C. Truver
As the cutting continues will the surface line still look fine?
61 Surfacing Hunley
By Commander George Cornelius, USN (Ret.)
Was Captain Hunley, like Ahab, a victim of his own obsession?
64 Surprises Uncovered in Hunley Probe By Dan Lenihan
67 Military Medicine Must Evolve
By Rear Admiral William R. Rowley, MC, USN
In 20 years we won't recognize it. Can we control the rapid, inevitable change?

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