Order of Railway Conductors of America 1928 Constitution, statutes and rules of

  • $18.50

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Order of Railway Conductors of America 1928 Constitution, statutes and rules of
Order of Railway Conductors of America 1928 Constitution, statutes and rules of order.  Laws governing the mutual benefits department and the accident insurance department
Soft Cover
187 pages
Copyright 1928
Admission FeeMinimum
Amenability of Grand Officers  
Arrest of Charter (See Sec. 42)  
AuthorityBd. Directors
Bd. Trustees (Sec. 56)
BadgesDiv. Officers
Div. members
Grand Div. officers and members
Need not be changed
BondsGrand Officers, amount premium
Approved and held by Trustees
Gen. Secy. must give
President must give
CardsDivisionFee for (See Sec. 38)
CharterFee for
Fee must accompany petition for
Grand Div. revokes
Pres. grants or arrests
CharityCommittee on  
Charges against Grand Officers  
CredentialsFee for honorary
Furnished members
Grand Division  
DelegatesBadges of
Eligible as (See Sec.2)
How paid
Deputy President  
DirectorsAuthority, expenses, meetings, quorum
President is chairman of Board  
Who they are  
Div's--Organization of
Members necessary
Charter fee
Custom duties
Supplies furnished
Membership fee  
Division CardsFee for- (See Sec. 38)
DuesGrand, amount, when payable
Senior Vice-President
Gen. Secy. & Treas
Grand Inside Sentinel
Grd. Outside Sentinel
Eligible as Delegate
As Grand Officer
Senior Vice-President
Gen. Secy. & Treas
Grand Inside Sentinel
Grand Outside Sentinel
Federation Laws
Division Cards, honorary Credentials
Fiscal y'rWhen begins
Funds of the Order
Disposition of
Grand DivisionHonorary members of  
Of whom composed
Opening, roll of members  
Powers of  
Quorum and Sessions
Representation in
Representation in
Special Sessions
Revoke Div. charter
Stand's Committees of
Grand OfficersAmenability, charges against
Bonds of
Election, terms of office, how qualify
Eligible as
Majority vote elects
Who they are
Grand Inside Sentinel
Duties of  
Salary and expenses
When elected  
Grand Outside Sentinel
Duties of
Salary and expenses
When elected  
Gen. Secy. & Treas.
Bonds of  
Duties of  
Is Secretary of
Benefit Department
Is Secretary of
Board Directors  
Salary and expenses
When elected  
Genl. Leg. Committee
Honorary Members of
Grand Division  
Fee for credentials
Initiation Fee
Insurance Committee
When elected (See Art. 6, M.B. Dept.)
Jurisdiction of Grand Division  
Jurisdiction Committee
Legislative Com.Gen
MeetingsBoard of Directors  
Board of Trustees
Grand Division  
OrdersWho signs
Order of Business
Organization of Divisions
Past Grand Chief Conductor, Past President
Permanent members
Premium on Grand Officers' Bonds  
PresidentAuthority and duties  
Bond of
Chairman Board of Directors  
Editor-in-Chief Railway Conductor
May appoint Deputy
Privileges, Reports  
Salary and expenses
Quorum of Grd. Divis'n
Board of Directors
Railway Conductor, The (See Sec. 25)
Relief Fund Board
Representation in Grand Division
Special Sessions
RevenueHow derived
Roll Call on vote
Senior Vice-President
Gen. Secy. & Treas
Grand Inside Sentinel
Grand Outside Sentinel
Sessions of Grand Div'n
Standing Committees  
Supplies--Purchase of
For new Divisions
Powers of (Sec. 56)
Salaries and expenses
When elected Vice-PresidentsDuties, salary, expenses  
When elected
VoteMajority elects officers  
On amendments
Roll Call on
Two-thirds necessary for appropriations
Absorbed LinesSeniority right of men on
Admission FeeAccompany petition (Art.15)
When forfeited
Advertising solicitors
AidAppeal for
Alcoholic Liquors
a veberage
Alternate Delegate
When electedHow
Annual Reports
AppealsFor aid
From decision of Divisions
In trials--Directors' decision final
ApplicationMembership in Benefit Dept
Membership in Div
Arrest of Charter
On account of action in strike
Legislative Committee
Local Divisions,
How levied
Non-payment of
Protective Fund
Relief Fund
Salaried Chairman's expenses
Assistant Chief ConductorDuties of
When elected  
AssociationLaws governing
Attendance at Division meetings
Audit of Secy's books
Authority to revise schedules
Record result in trials
Benefit Department
Must be member of
By-Laws for Divisions
CandidatesAppear within two months
Application to Benefit Department 2047
Ballot for
Illegally admitted
Jurisdiction over eligible
Jurisdiction over elected or rejected
Petition in writing
Petition referred to committee
Protest against initiation of
RejectedLength of time before applying again
ChargesCertified copy to accused
Form of Officer vacates office when under
Who may prefer (See Art. 2)
CharterArrest of (See Art. 4)
Arrest of, account of action in strike
Surrender of
Chief ConductorAppoints tellers
Calls special meetings
Deciding vote in tie, except elections
Duties of  
Duty in trials
Must check annual report
When elected
CommitteesGeneral Adjustment
Associations of general
Investigating candidates
Local Adjustment
Testimony before, for trial purposes
Conduct unbecoming
Form of charges
Penalty for
Co-operationPlan of
Death of members
Defense in trialsChief Conductor may appoint someone to assist
Defunct DivisionsRetentidn of property
Transfer of members from
Delegateswhen elected, How deposed  
DispensationApplications for
For election of officers
DivisionsAnnual Reports
Circulars asking aid
Election of officers
Eligible to' membership in
Eligible to office in
Grand Dues paid in advance
Jurisdiction over eligible men
Jurisdiction over elected or rejected candidate
Local Adj. Committee
Meetings of
Members visiting  
Moving ofProcure dispensation
Name of
Non-payment of dues and assessments
Of whom composed
Officers assuming indebtedness
Officers may resign
Officers' terms begin  
Religious discussion
Protesting initiation
Quorum in  
Refuse to consider petition
Representative in General Committee
Representative in Legislative Com.
Retention of property of defunct
Seal of
Tie vote in  
Trans. from defunct
Transfer of members from
Who may preside in
Division Cards (See Art. 17)
DuesGrandWhen due, Non-payment of
Levy of local
Non-payment of
DutiesAssistant Chief
Chief Conductor
Chief Conductor in trials
Gen. Adj. Committee
Inside Sentinel
Junior Conductor
Local Adj. Committee
Outside Sentinel
Secy. & Treas
Secretary in trials
Senior Conductor
Tellers of elections
ElectionsDispensation for  
Division officers  
General Committees
Local Committees  
Legisl'tive C'm'ittees
Tellers of  
EligibleTo membership
To office
To petition after expulsion
EvidenceIn trials
Reviewed by Pres.
Expelled members
Eligibility of
Petition other Divs'ns
FeeInitiationAccompanying petition (See Art. 15)
InitiationWhen forfeited
ReliefContracts concerning
LegalFor injured members
Gen. Adj. Committees
Chairman's duties
Chairman must be conductor
Duties of
Election of officers,
Tie vote
Expenses and pay
How assessed
Excluding members of
Meetings of
Of whom composed
Pres. may convene
Recall of Chairman
Report of proceed'gs
Salaried Chairman of
Secretary's duties
Vice-Chrmn's duties
Grand DuesWhen due,
non-payment, covers
subscription to Railway Conductor
GrievancesCan be altered by Gen. Com
Two-thirds vote to approveSpecial meeting to consider
Illegal Admission to Membership
IndebtednessOfficers must have authority
Initiation Fee (Art.15)
When forfeited
Inside Sentinel
Duties of
When elected
Installation of Officers
Intoxicating Liquors
Sale of
Penalty for selling
Intoxication on Duty
Iniestigating Committee
Duty of
Junior Conductor-
-Duties of
When elected
JurisdictionOver elected or rejected petitioners
Over eligible men
Over members applying for transfer
Laws governing associations
Legal FundFor injured members
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee menwhen elected
Duty of
LiquorCausing intoxication on duty
Sale of intoxicating
Use of alcoholic as a beverage
Local Assessments
How levied
Non-payment of
Local Committees of
When elected
How may be elected
Meeting of Divisions
Regular and Special
Special to consider grievance
Meetings of General Committees
Secretary must report proceedings of
Meetings of Legislative Committees
MembersAttendance at meetings
Balloting in trials
Balloting on candidates
Cease to be, after six months' suspension
Change of location, notify Secretary
Chief Conductor may appoint to prosecute or defend
Death of
Duty of
Eligible as members
Eligible to office
Excuse for non-payment dues and assessments
Expulsion, misstating grievance, interference with committees
Illegal admission of
Must be member
Benefit Dept. (See Art.2, M. B. Dept)
Pay while on strike
Petition for readmission
Petition for reinstatement
Protet initiation of candidate
Register at meetings
Reinstated or readmitted must be obligated
StrikingPay from beginning of srike
Surveillance of
Transfer of
AddressesMembers give notice of change
Amendm'tsHow made
AppealsDecisions Ins. Com., How perfected  Expulsion or suspension causing cancellation certificate
ApplicationFee for
Must accompany
How made, Rejection, Protest against
Heights and weights govern acceptance
Exchange of certif
Must designate beneficiary
May be placed in lower Series
Fund, Failure to pay
How to remit for
Notice of, How made
Reserve Fund
When levied, How omitted or suspended
When payable
BeneficiaryDefault of designated
Who they may be, Must show name in application, Change of
BenefitsAmount of
DeathClaim for
DeathTo whom payable
DeathDefault of designated beneficiary
DisabilityConsists of, Claim for
DisabilityTo whom payable
False statements sufficient for non-payment of
CertificatesApplication part of agreement
Charge onPayment from Relief Fund
Divided in series
False statement sufficient cause to revoke  
How exchanged
How duplicated
How forfeited, Assessment against
Not issued until fee received
Return to Secretary to change beneficiary
When effective
When voidExpuls'n, Suspens'n,Withdrawal,
Lower Series
Change of Address
Must give notice of
Change of Beneficiary
How made
for payment of
For death benefit
For disability benefit
Fraudulent statements for non-payment of
Majority and Minority report of Committee passed on by Direct'rs
Death BenefitAmt. of.
Claim for
Default of named beneficiary
Fraudulent statements sufficient for nonpayment
To whom payable
DirectorsDecide appeals from decision of Committee,
Decide majority and minority report on claims, Their decision may be appealed to Grand Div
Disability Benefit Claim for fraudulent statements sufficient for non-payment
To whom payable
Duplicate Certificates
How issued
Eligibility (See Sec. 20)
Emergency Fund
Exchange of CertificatesHow made
ExpenseFor legal services approved by Corn
Last sicknessWhere default of beneficiary
Expense FundAssessment to replenish
Membership fees credited to
Expulsion from Order
Cancels certificate
Exhaust RemediesExpulsion
Fees for Membership
Amount ofAccompany application, Credited to Expense Fund
Return if application rejected
Fees of Readmission
ForfeitureNon-payment assessments
Non-payment Expense assessment
Non-payment Reserve
Fund assessment
On account of false statements
Fraudulent Statements
Cause loss membership
GovernmentControlled and governed by Grand Division
Heights and Weights
Insurance Committee
Control Reserve Fund
Decision may be appealed from
Elected by Grand Division (See Art 2)
May inspect Secretary's books
May order expense assessment
May place applicant in lower series
Powers of, Majority and minority report,
Protest referred to
LawsuitsTo recover claims  6121
MembershipApplications for, Protest against, Rejection  
Change of beneficiary
Change of address
Give notice
Eligibile to, Classification of, Expulsion, Suspension or Withdrawal from Order
Fee for
False statement may cause loss of
Heights and Weights govern acceptance
How forfeited
How readmitted after forfeiture
May exchange certify
Must be member of Order
Pay Expense assessment or forfeit
Pay Reserve Fund assessment or forfeit
Return assm't notice with remittance
When insurance effective
Who may appeal to
MoneyDirections for remitting
NoticesMembrs notify change of address
Of assessment, How made
Sending ofNot waiver if unpaid
To members of Expense assessment
ObjectAid and Benefit
OfficersWho they are
ProtestAgainst admission of applicant
Rejection of application
RemittancesHow must be made
Reserve FundHow created, Assmt for
Credit assessment, mail receipt
Issue duplicate to replace lost certificate
Issue duplicate in exchange
Mail assmt notices
Not accept applications without fees
Suspension from Order
Cancel certificate  Title
Withdrawal from Order
Cancel certificate
Accident Insurance DepartmentTitle
Gen. Secy. & Treas
Local Accident Secy
Payment of premiums
Fraudulent statement and cancellation  
Premium rates
Weekly indem. claims
Dismemberm't claifns
Death claims
Intermediate Membership and payments
Change of occupation
Increasing dues
ExpensesReserve Fund
Fiscal year
Conditions and exceptions governing payment of benefits  
Limitation of action
Exhausting remedies
Payment and cancellation
No claim to funds
Contract and interpretation
Change of address
Change of beneficiary
Lost certificate
Premiums payable without notice
Death benefitTo whom payable
Waiver of privilege
PremiumsWhen pd
Special assessments
Waiver of Laws
Authority to Increase benefits
The Constitution, Statutes, and Rules of Order of the Order of Railway Conductors Laws Governing the Mutual Benefit Department and the Accident Insurance Department of the Order of Railway Conductors of America

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