O Scale Trains #21 2005 July Aug Timeless Structures

  • $10.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
O Scale Trains #21 2005 July Aug Timeless Structures
O Scale Trains #21 2005 July Aug Timeless Structures
70 pages
4A Simple Diesel 2-Rail Conversion
An easy conversion by Carey Hinch.
9Pulling Freight the Electric Way
An overview of traction frei ght motors by Gerald Brothers.
13Timeless Structures
Model masterpiece by Carl Cornish.
16Building a Small O Scale Layout - Part 4
Mike Culham continues his excellent construction series .
25Scratchbuilding a Wood-Side Gondola
A simple, easy rolling stock project by Tom Houle.
32 Chicago O Meet Contest Photos Another fine batch of models in 0 Scale.
46Stretching AHM Flatcars
Make these inexpensive cars more prototypical. Gary Woodard shows how he does it.
60 Spring Power Transfer
An innovative way to connect motor to gearbox from Daniel L. McCaffery and Robert B. Morgan.
620 Scale Influences - Arthur Ford
Roger C. Parker rem i nisces about a noted tracti on modeler.
64 OSTBuilds a Layout - Update
We're making progress on the N&W Exton Divisi on.

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