Narrow Gauge in the Arras Sector by Farebrother Allied Ry of Western Front w/ DJ
Narrow Gauge in the Arras Sector by Martin J B Farebrother & Joan S Farebrother
Allied Railways of the Western Front
Before during and after the civil war
Hard Cover w/ dust jacket
274 pages
Copyright 2015
Acknowledgements vii
Abbreviations viii
Introduction ix
Glossary of Railway and Related Words in Frenchxv
Chapter One Introducing the Arras Sector and its Railways1
Chapter Two The Metre Gauge Railway from Lens to Frand Related Lines and Tramways 1884 to 191412
Chapter Three The Metre Gauge Tramway from Bto Estaires and Related Lines and Tramways 1899 to 191449
Chapter Four Railways and Light Railways (60cm gauge) During the First World War (1914-1918)70
Chapter Five Light and Metre Gauge Railways in the Arras Sector 1914 to 1918 North of Arras, First Army, later also Fifth Army87
Chapter SixLight and Metre Gauge Railways in the Arras Sector 1914 to 1918 Arras and South of Arras, Third Army120
Chapter Seven The Departmental Light Railways (60cm gauge) 1919 to 1925 138
Chapter Eight The Vis-en-Artois 60cm Gauge System 1926 to 1957 Socianonyme des chemins de fer a voie de 0.60163
Chapter Nine The Metre Gauge Tramway from Bto Estaires and Related Lines and Tramways 1919 to 1932184
Chapter TenThe Metre Gauge Railway from Lens to Fr1919 to 1948197
Chapter Eleven The 60cm Gauge Railway from Lens to the Citde M1924 to 1939224
Chapter Twelve Things to See and Do Now227
A Note on Archive Material269
Bibliography 270
The Arras sector of the Western Front in the First World War was held partly by the British and Dominions 1st Army from September 1915, and almost wholly by the 1st and 3rd Armies from March 1916. No less than in the Ypres sector to the north and the Somme sector to the south, the struggles of the French and then British troops in this sector were pivotal to the outcome of the war. The sector included countryside in the south, but in the north a major part of the industrial and coal-mining area of northern France, around Lens and B.
In this book the contribution of metre and 60cm gauge railways to the Allied war effort in this sector is examined in the context of the history of the metre gauge lines already established. The build up of light (60cm gauge) lines from 1916 is examined in detail area by area, and the contribution of the related metre gauge lines is reassessed, from British and French sources. After the war the role of these railways in the reconstruction and recovery of this devastated region of France is described. Later the surviving part of the 60cm gauge network served the sugar beet industry east of Arras. The history is followed through another world war to the closure of the last of these railways in 1957.
The book refers to previous works on British War Department light railways in the First World War, but contains sufficient general information for readers new to the subject. It also describes how to find key locations now, and how and where rolling stock can be seen. Six walks and an urban tour are included for those who wish to explore the territory in greater depth.
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