Modern Railroads Rail Transit 1979 December
11 News Highlights Frank E. Shaffer/MILW deadline is January 1
23 Industry News deregulation and innovation in '79 point to more volume in the future
30 Calendar railroad meetings and events
41 Transit News Edward T. Myers/is oil-crisis ridership holding?
93 SAB Harmon set for continued growth
97 Technology what's new is 84 years old
102 Letters conflict of interest
102 Quotes readers' input
105 Products digital multiplexers and more
114 Supplier News acquisitions and new shops
53 Railroads in Transition: The State of the Industry Tom Shedd/the impact of events
58 Legislation Harry L. Tennant/ view from the dome
60 Labor Frank E. Shaffer/training and pay problems-critical factors
62 Marketing Robert Roberts/cooking good
65 Operations Frank E. Shaffer/old vs. new
69 Track & Roadway Terry Breen/fixing to please
73 Equipment Tom Shedd/ backlogs and economy
77 Signals and Communications Robert Roberts/break future
80 Amtrak/Transit Terry Breen/the best is yet to come
49 Washington Harry L. Tennant
51 Editorial Comment Tom Shedd/the ARF: welcome support by suppliers
89 Interface Robert Roberts/
122 People who's new and where among railroad executives
124 Ad Index where to find the news in advertising