Modern Railroads Rail Transit 1974 April Flatbacks potential BART Conrail BL&LP
Modern Railroads Rail Transit 1974 April
50 ROAD TO CONRAIL/Frank E. Shaffer/exclusive fold-out chart maps the northeast situation
60 ARE WE AWAKE TO FLATBACK?/Robert Roberts/is it time for a major commitment?
68 BART BATTLES COMPLEX PROBLEMS/Edward T. Myers/crises are nothing new at BART
74 HOT LINE TO THE FUTURE/Tom Shedd/Black Mesa & Lake Powell is now in operation
37 Interface/Robert Roberts/is productivity another shell game?
41 Washington/Harry Tennant/rail legislation faces hectic session
47 Editorial/Tom Shedd/common sense in an era of quackery
47 Editorial/Tom Shedd/ flatback in your future
13 News Bulletins/Frank E. Shaffer/USRA gets two top officials
19 Industry News/rail electrification is talked up, but where's the power for sale?
29 Coming Events/calendar of important meetings and other events
31 Transit News/compromise transit aid bill competes with Nixon's UTAP measure
79 People in the News/who's new and where among the nation's railroads
81 Tech Talk/predict more in-plant rail
85 New Products/this fastener is unshakeable, new improved tie shear
90 Suppliers/who's new and where among the ranks of suppliers
90 Ad Index/where to find the news in advertising
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