Model Railroader Magazine 2022 October Room to roam Rural grade crossing scene
Model Railroader Magazine 2022 October Touchscreen Turnout Control
Model Railroader is published monthly. On the cover: The UP's Challenger snakes through the Wasatch Range on Bob Phelps' HO scale Green River, Wyo., layout. Steve Flint photo
30 A division point with scope for operation
Bob Phelps, senior product designer for Peco, built the HO scale Green River, Wyoming, layout to run big American trains in England
by the Continental Modeller staff
36 Anthracite railroading in N scale This 16 x 22-foot layout models the last days of hard-coal roads in Pennsylvania by Ron Papiercavich
44 Paper people for any pay grade
Make your structures pop with inexpensive figures that fool viewers
by Mike Tylick
46 Scratchbuild a bulk material barge
Learn how to model this common watercraft with styrene and a few detail parts
by James A. Ferguson
51 Touchscreen turnout control
Use modern technology to route trains on your model railroad
by Colin Clews
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