Model Railroader 2016 May
26 A steam-era switching layout
An American living in Costa Rica built this 5 x 15-foot HO scale model railroad by Jim Malloy
32 How to model rail fences
An easy project helps protect your railroad's right-of-way by MichaelTylick
34 Track plan for a port on a shelf
This simple HO layout models the Port of Brunswick RR in Georgia by Paul Boehlert
36 Build a DCC testing and programming station
This compact unit uses off-the-shelf components and minimal wiring by Jim Zinser
42 Serving the South in N scale f
This freelanced Southern Ry.-inspired layout caps a lifetime of fascination with trains by Joe Getmini / Online bonus
50 How to weather with acrylics
Get realistic results with an airbrush and paintbrushes by Cody Grivno / Online bonus
53 Painting and detailing plastic kits
Easy-to-build Design Preservation Models kits benefit from a little extra attention to details and paint
by Pelle Soeborg
56 6 ways to make painting easier
Time-saving tips help you get more done in less time by Bob Kingsnorth
70 Trackside Photos
by Steven Otte
Digital MR
The latest features on our website by Dana Kawala 8 From the Editor
Small world connections by Neil Besougloff
10 News & Products Hobby industry news
by Cody Grivno
16 Ask MR
When did trailer-on-flatcar traffic begin?
by Steven Otte
20 N Scale Insight
Old freight cars are like old friends by Jim Kelly
22 Step by Step
How to cast and color plaster rocks by Eric White
58 DCC Corner
Choosing speakers for sound installations
by Larry Puckett
60 Product Reviews
HO scale Climax with sound by Bachmann, MTH HO General Electric C44-9W, N scale PS-2CD covered hopper fromTrainworx, and more by Dana Kawala
81 Index of Advertisers and Cartoon
82 Trains of Thought Pulling the plug
by Tony Koester