Model Railroader Magazine 2012 April How to weather your trains

  • $5.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Model Railroader Magazine 2012 April How to weather your trains
Model Railroader Magazine 2012 April
32 Weathering cars for individuality
How to approach each piece of rolling stock as a unique model with its own history
by Charlie Duckworth
38 How to use an airbrush for weathering CD
Easy techniques for making your locomotive look like the real thing
by Cody Grivno ? Online bonus
43 Do-it-yourself graffiti
Paint markers and an airbrush make it easy to "tag" your modern rolling stock
by Matt Snell
46 Changing times on a multi-deck UP layout
The HO scale Denver, Front Range &Western models modern-era railroading in 25 x 40 feet
by Doug Tagsold ? Online bonus
54 Build the Virginian: A 4 x 8 with more CD
Part 4: Our HO scale layout gets some mountain scenery by David Popp
62 45 years on the Chemung Northern CO
This freelanced O scale road is the result of careful planning by Ben Brown
80 Trackside Photos
by Steven Otte

68 DCC Corner
Advanced programming for locomotive headlights
by Mike Polsgrove
70 Product Reviews CD
HO scale Pennsy Broadway Limited locomotive and cars from Walthers, Spring Mils Depot canstock car in HO, and more by Dana Kawala
78 Trains of Thought
Where the action is by Tony Koester
86 Track Plan Contest Rules
93 Index of Advertisers and Cartoon
94 The Operators
How many operators? by Andy Sperandeo

6 Digital MR
The latest features on our website by Dana Kawala
8 From the Editor
Easier than I thought by Neil Besougloff
10 News & Products
Hobby industry news by Cody Grivno
20 Railway Post Office
Letters from our readers by Eric Stelpflug
22 Information Desk
Hayes bumping posts are an industry standard
by Jim Hediger
24 Workshop Tips
Paintbrush use and care for model railroaders
by Jim Hediger
28 Step by Step
Make your own cast-resin coal loads by David Popp

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