Model Railroader 1953 November
November 1953Volume 20, Number 11
Bill of Lading
Evergreen Central (Part 1). By Larry Kumferman 28
A construction article with detailed description for building a compact, yet interesting, portable HO pike that's just the thing for beginners or armchair model rails with limited space. It may be just what you've been looking for!
Kitchen Table 0-6-0 (Part 1). By Charles Smith 34
Ever have the yen to scratch-build a loco, but held off because you didn't know where to begin? Well, here's an ideal "first" scratch-built engine to get you started - and you need only a few simple tools to build it.
Trackside Photos 38
How I Built the Carrizo & North Grand. By Alex Tocquigny 42
A relative newcomer to model railroading takes first prize in MR's "How I Built My Railroad" contest.
Modeling Roads. By M. B. Wakefield 46
"Wake" describes five common types of roads and highways that will lend authenticity to any model layout.
Your Plan's Only a Starter! (Tuxedo Junction, Part 14)
By George Allen 52
A track plan can be improved by careful alteration during layout construction. George tells how it was done on the TJ.
Telephone Box. By Boyce Martin 58
The Mighty Bantam. By John Armstrong 60
John shows you how to design a small railroad that will accommodate good-sized locos and fairly long trains.
Building an HO Chlorine Car (A "Dollar" Car)
By Eric Stevens 66
Here's an unusual model that will give you fine experience in the fundamentals of soldering.
Bull Session 72
Hook-up Wire (Model Railroaders' Reference Charts, No. 2) 80
What Are Lost-Wax Castings? By Eric Stevens 89
Railroad Lingo. By Elvan B. Christy 91
Prototype Phins and Data
NYC&HR Mogul 50
Dept, r / melts' s
Railway Postoffice 4 Construction Kinks 87
Trade Topics 14 New Literature 88
At the Throttle 27 Coming Events 92
Clinic 81Personals, New Clubs 92