Model Railroader Magazine 1953 April Build a combination station UP snowplow pla
Model Railroader 1953 April
Lots of Locomotives 12A photo story on Nick Carter's 0 gauge railroad - a line that features many excellent scratch-built locomotives.
Building an HO Flat Car (A "Dollar Car"). By Eric Stevens 15Dissatisfied with kits that go together in a matter of minutes? Eric tells you how to get more enjoyment out of building rolling stock for your railroad.
"When we makes a mistake, it's a beaut!" (Tuxedo Junction, Part 6). By George Allen 18Moving day arrives and George and Ernie are confronted with a few emergencies, including a section of layout that's too large to pass through the basement door.
Combination Station. By Eric Stevens 22Build this structure for that lineside town on your pike. It will give passenger trains an excuse for stopping, and its house track will give your way freight an extra bit of switching.
Trackside Photos 28
Useful Tricks of Track Design (Part 3). By Charles Small 34Author Small discusses the fundamental facilities and equipment needed to handle passenger traffic, and presents a simple prototype terminal that can be condensed to fit various model railroad situations.
Thornburgh Builds an HO 1910 American (Part 5) By M. D. Thornburgh 40Mel concludes this series by building the tender for his locomotive.
Bull Session 48
What's New in Model Railroading 62MR visits the Model Industry Association show in Chicago and reports on new kits and products shown there.
Prototype Plans and Data
Lima-Hamilton Snowplow 38
Triple Hopper Car 64
DepartmentsRailway Postoffice 4 Trade Topics 57
At the Throttle 11 Shop Talk 65
Meet John Armstrong 11 Construction Kinks 67
Clinic 53 Coming Events 68
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