Missouri Pacific Lines Steam Finale in Kansas 1940-1952 By Lloyd Stagner Soft Co
Missouri Pacific Lines
Steam Finale In Kansas 1940 TO 1952 By Lloyd E. Stagner
Softcover 52 pages
Copyright 1992
Many photos, maps, more.
Central Kansas-Colorado Division
Omaha and Northern Kansas Divisions
Southern Kansas Division
Joplin Division
Wichita Division
MP Steam in Kansas - April 19, 1940
Specs of MP Steam in Kansas - Jan. 1, 1944
On March 10, 1940, when the Missouri Pacific Railroad inaugurated its lightweight, diesel-powered streamliner, "The Eagle," between St. Louis and Omaha, this event forecasted the eventual elimination of MP steam locomotive operations in Kansas. At that date, the company's diesel-electric motive power consisted of only the two passenger units on the "Eagle," plus 11 yard units (all except one being assigned to the St. Louis terminal) and two 900 h.p. switchers that worked between Union and Lincoln, Neb.
During the 12 years and 10 months before the last MP steam engine operated in Kansas, steam power on the "MoPac" had its final years of glory when it handled almost 100 percent of the tremendous loads of World War II traffic. Two 5,400 h.p. diesel freight locomotives arrived in December 1943 for Dupo, Ill., to Texarkana, Ark., freight service. This was within a few months of the August-October receipt of 15 heavy 4-8-4's for Kansas City-St. Louis freight and passenger work.
In the last years of its steam era in Kansas, MP operated its best and largest steam power alongside numerous Mountain, Pacific, Mikado, Consolidation and Ten-Wheel types in road service. Both six-wheel and eight-wheel switchers were employed in the terminals, along with some Consolidations and a handful of rare 4-8-0's.
I regret that, except for the Central Kansas and Wichita divisions, the details of the last MP locomotives in service in Kansas are lacking. Efforts to determine this information have proved fruitless. However, it is hoped the reader will learn some facts on the date of the change-over in power and which new diesels replaced steam.
Missouri Pacific's dieselization policy was to completely eliminate steam with a division-by-division program. Hence, the coverage that follows is presented by divisions rather than by time frame.
With 1,995 miles of mainline trackage in the state in 1940, MP was a major player in Kansas railroading. Its epoch spanned the years between the 1866 construction of the former Missouri River Railroad from Kansas City to Leavenworth and the 1982 merger with Union Pacific.
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