Louisville & Nashville Railroad The Old Reliable by Castner Flanary Dorin HC

  • $50.00

RailroadTreasures offers the following item:
Louisville & Nashville Railroad The Old Reliable by Castner Flanary Dorin HC
Louisville and Nashville Railroad The Old Reliable by Charles Castner Ronald Flanary Patrick Dorin
Hard Cover
Copyright 1996   SECOND PRINTING 1997  Writing / inscription on first blank page
231 Pages
Table of contents:
Tribute  V
Acknowledgements VI
Introduction VII
Chapter 1
The First Century, 1850-1950  1
Chapter 2
Into the Second Century, and Beyond  17
Chapter 3
Some Geographic and Corporate Considerations"  41
Chapter 4
It's Smart to Travel By Train 65
Chapter 5
The Long Decline  103
Chapter 6
Tonnage between Great Lakes and Gulf Coast  115
Chapter 7
L&N Folks Called it "Tote"  141
Chapter 8
Heavy Coal Hauler  151
Chapter 9
Power for the Pull  167
Chapter 10
Freight Car Potpourri  205
Epilogue  217
Bibliography       231

The new history of the grand old Louisville & Nashville is by a team of noted railroad authors and historians. It is illustrated with great photos from the official files of the L&N as well as many other sources, with text to tell the complete story of the line detailing other important elements interesting to historians, railfans, and modelers including coal traffic, passenger travel and cars, freight traffic and cars, material on steam and diesel locomotives, maps, drawings, and diagram.

All pictures are of the actual item.  If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad.  Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us.

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